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[ takoyaki enjoyer 🍡 ]

takoyaki enjoyer 🍡:
sunoo hyung
are you asleep now?

it's already past midnight
i'm about to sleep

takoyaki enjoyer 🍡:
oh okay hehe

did you need smth?

takoyaki enjoyer 🍡:
no it's not that
i just shsjsj
it's difficult to explain
can i call?

uhh sure


sunoo sits on his bed, letting his head lean on the wall. he grabs his plushie pokemon toy before he picks up his phone, clicking to answer ni-ki's call.

he puts the phone near his left ear, listening. "hi," sunoo managed to mumble, his voice soft.

"hi, hyung. sorry, did i disturb you?" the younger's voice sounded hoarse, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"no, it's fine. what's up?" he closed his eyes and winced. really, sun? what's up? that's such a lame question.

"well... i can't sleep. i feel like this is all a dream. you saying all those things earlier felt like i was just locked up in my own hallucination..."

sunoo held on his blanket. "is that why you ran away earlier?"

he didn't want to scare the guy, but after sunoo blurted out that he wanted to give riki a chance in dating him, riki immediately excused himself- saying that he forgot to unplug his toaster before running away.

still, i couldn't blame him. he probably feels confused as to why i suddenly said those words.

"i'm really sorry hyung! i swear it wasn't my intention, i just didn't know what to react..." he feels the boy panicking.

"i understand, you don't need to explain." he looks up at the ceiling, carefully thinking of what to say next. "i don't want to force you into something that you don't want-"

"that's not true! i want this too, but... shouldn't you say that to yourself?" riki clears his throat. "between you and me, you're the one who's probably forcing yourself into this situation because you pity a kid like me."

silence takes over them. sunoo wanted to disagree, but it feels like what ni-ki said isn't entirely all wrong. he wants to try again, to start over, and riki is the first person who showed consistency to him.

"i... i'm not forcing anything. i wanted to try things out, to see if i can finally sort out my feelings. i'm sorry if it seems like i'm using you."

sunoo bites his lower lip as he feels the guilt consume him. he didn't want ni-ki to assume anything, but he's also the one who keeps giving him a reason to expect. yeah, i'm the asshole.

"hyung, whatever it is- i don't care. i'd be glad to be with you, that's all that matters to me." sunoo closed his eyes as he listened to him. ni-ki's voice feels so warm and comforting.

he laid on his bed and put his phone beside him, clicking on the speaker button so he could hear the freshman's voice.

"so, uh... are we- um..." sunoo's lips tug into a smile when he hears riki mumbling.

𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now