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"this one looks great, we should add this."

"okay, how about this one hyung? you look cute here." sunoo glanced at the photo that riki is holding. it's a solo picture of him while laughing.

he then went back to stare at the photo collage plastered on the bulletin board just outside their headquarters. they were assigned by sunghoon to design the board with the pictures from their team building.

however, it seems like ni-ki has a different vision of what they're making.

"riki, at this point this would look like a photo collage dedicated to me." sunoo grimaced, looking at some of the photos which only has his face plastered. when did ni-ki even take these? and just how many stolen shots of me did he take?

ni-ki blushed a little, slightly pouting at sunoo's remark. "what's wrong with that? it's not my fault you look pretty in all the photos. i'm sure people would love to see your face here."

"nope, remove that and put some of our group pictures."

"hyung..." riki whined like a kid.

"you can just take my photos and put them in your room or whatever," sunoo gave him a smile and pinched his cheek. "now hurry up before sunghoon scolds you for doing a horrible job at this."

ni-ki followed his hyung's orders and changed the pictures. he then kept sunoo's solo photos inside his backpack.

it's been a week and sunoo seems to be getting along with riki well. they eat lunch together, and they also call each other every night before they sleep.

doing something and making it a regular practice will most likely be developed as a habit. that's what sunoo hopes for. he hopes that whatever they're doing would lead him to yearn for something more. if that happens, then i can finally give riki what he truly deserves.

"good morning love birds."

sunoo rolled his eyes as sunghoon arrived, his eyes full of mischief. jungwon was standing behind him while carrying a pile of papers, which probably belongs to sunghoon.

"good morning!" ni-ki cheerily replied. he's glad that sunghoon somehow doesn't give him a cold shoulder or object the fact that he's dating sunoo.

he's definitely not that scary, even jungwon endured for a long time.

sunghoon raised an eyebrow at him. "don't smile at me, i punch annoying people in the morning."

okay, maybe he really is an asshole.

"hoon, stop talking like that to riki." sunoo glared at his friend.

"fine, i'm sorry." sunghoon shrugs. he waves off before getting inside the room, followed by jungwon.


[ riki 💫 ]

riki 💫:
are you still in class, hyung? hehe

but the prof is out for a while so we're just doing an activity

riki 💫:
ok ok
i'll wait for you at the lib then 😁

sure ^^
ah btw
sorry about sunghoon earlier
he's just a rude person in general

riki 💫:
lol it's fine hyung
it doesn't really affect me

i feel like he's giving you a hard time 😐

riki 💫:
well, he's intimidating
but that's all lol

𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now