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how can i open my heart to someone again?

that was the question that bothered sunoo for the most part of his college life. when he and heeseung broke up, he made it a goal to focus on himself— self-love, is what they call it.

true enough, sunoo engaged himself in a lot of activities in their university. he got himself busy almost everyday, and somehow it was an effective way to divert yourself from the heartbreak.

even when some people tried to ask him out, he declined them politely. not because he's not interested in them, but because he was scared.

scared of being left alone in the end.

sunoo built a wall for those who show their interest, because he cannot afford to get hurt again. for him, it's better to be alone. he got his friends, and that's enough for him.

so, how did a mere freshman make him break the walls that he had built for himself?

the truth is, sunoo doesn't know. he's an annoying guy— yet, he's the only guy who seemed to not shown any signs of giving up on him.

"hyung, look! the tickets got sold out too fast," sunoo snaps out of his thoughts when riki sits beside him, holding out his phone. they were inside the café, studying for an upcoming test.

"ah, is that the one you were talking about before?" sunoo stares at the words on the phone.

it's about a photo exhibition that will be held on saturday, and riki has been talking nonstop about wanting to go. however, the museum posted that the tickets are already sold out.

ni-ki pouts, looking disappointed. "i wanted to take you there though."

"really?" sunoo pats his head to comfort him. "it's a good thing i secured two tickets then."

riki's eyes widened. he held sunoo's shoulders in shock, "you what?"

he laughs, and then opens his backpack to show him the tickets that he bought. thank gods that sunghoon helped him in buying, because sunoo doesn't know shit about these things.

"are you free this saturday? let's go on a date."

ni-ki nods eagerly, hugging him. "i won't say no to you, hyung. never."

i know, and that's why i'm taking the courage too. the walls are broken, and i'm risking it for the second time.


[ editor-in-shit 🤕 ]

do you think confessing in a museum looks romantic?

editor-in-shit 🤕:
is this how you greet people in general
where's my hello
where's my good evening

idc about you
so wdyt? is it too cliché?

editor-in-shit 🤕:
dude idk
confessing is shit and cringy
why are you even asking me this? shouldn't you just ask your roommate?
jay's better at those kinds of things

he's not here
apparently he's been busy dating god knows who

editor-in-shit 🤕:
ah yes
saw him in a resto with a blonde girl last time

huh? wdym blonde
he's dating the girl from nursing tho
the black haired one

editor-in-shit 🤕:
really? maybe she dyed her hair
who cares
anw back to the topic
are you gonna confess to nishimura and ask him to be your boyfriend?

𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now