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stupid, stupid drunk self.

sunoo pulled on his disheveled hair, his eyes closed. he stares at the call history of his phone— the name riki being on top of the list makes him want to scream.

"shit... shit i'm so dumb," he fumbles as he opens the chatbox.

wait, did i say something idiotic last night? he blinks, his brain is still registering what happened last night.

"... should i text him?" he mutters. but what will he say? it seems like ni-ki is avoiding him since he rejected sunoo, and it'll only hurt him more if the freshman ignores his messages.

fuck, whatever.


[ riki 💫 ]

sorry for texting this early, but i just want to apologize for calling you last night.
i was drunk and i wasn't thinking straight at that time.
again, i'm sorry.

riki 💫:


hoon 📰 @parkwrites tweeted.

someone's sulking bc he got like-zoned LMAO 🤭🤭

someone's sulking bc he got like-zoned LMAO 🤭🤭

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@sunscript i hope you stub your toe somewhere and i hope your boyfriend dumps you for a better guy 👹
↪@parkwrites sike babe, i'm single and my toes are safe 😘😋
@yeonjuned hang in there sunoo, i suffered worse than that 😔
↪@parkwrites you deserve the suffering tho, i could only imagine soobin's headache everytime he sees you
↪@yeonjuned dafuq u mean huh 😡 ?!?!


"fucking hell, jungwon?!" ni-ki snatched his phone away from his friend, who can only shrug in response.

"what? i just replied to sunoo hyung. he said he's sorry about drunk-calling you so i sent a like."

riki fought the urge to smack jungwon's head. since they were waiting for the professor to arrive earlier, he went to the washroom for a few minutes. when he came back, jungwon was already fiddling with his phone.

why did i not put a security lock? ni-ki clicks on the chatbox just to see the two like emojis that he (honestly fuck jungwon) sent to sunoo.

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