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"woah, how tall are you? are you sure you're a freshman?"

sunghoon massaged his temple. i feel like having a headache because of these idiots. "taeyoung, can you stop? leave them alone, you're scaring them."

taeyoung pouted but gave the two freshmen some space. sunghoon watched as jungwon and ni-ki sat quietly on the couch, observing the place.

it's already 4:30 pm, and they're the last ones that came to join their club.

"sorry for making you guys wait," sunoo finished printing the forms and is now handing it to the two. "here's the application form. you can choose to pass it tomorrow, or you can also fill out now."

jungwon quickly fishes out a pen on his backpack. "we'll fill out the forms right now hyung!"

"okay, that's great." sunoo chuckled and glanced at ni-ki, whose mind seemed to be elsewhere. "having second thoughts on joining?"

riki didn't answer, so jungwon elbowed him. "no, hyung. he's just like that sometimes." he glared at his friend.

"yeah, i can see that." riki almost blushed again when sunoo looked at him. he decided to just focus on answering the form.

hmm... sunghoon leaned back on his chair, observing them. he squinted his eyes as he looked at ni-ki. he smirked, clearing his throat.

"so... yang jungwon and nishimura riki, right?" the two guys straightened their backs, suddenly becoming more attentive.

innocent ones are really quite cute.

"yes, sunbae." jungwon couldn't help but feel intimidated by sunghoon's stares. compared to sunoo, this guy looks more serious and strict. although he's handsome, i'm kind of scared for a reason.

"why did you want to join journalism?" he tapped his pen.

chenle, who just entered the room, snickered. "boo, here comes the boring question again."

jungwon clasps both of his hands. "well... honestly we wanted to join a club, and i found out that sunoo hyung was here so-"

"ah, i get it." sunghoon eyed sunoo who was already glaring at him. "it's a very valid reason-"

"shut it, hoon." sunghoon bit his lower lip to stop himself from laughing. he really finds it funny how sunoo lures people into joining their club. a good marketing strategy, indeed.

sunoo tried to change the topic. he collected their forms and sat on the monoblock chair in front of them.

"anyways, welcome to the team. yuna will further orient you both tomorrow, and you will be assigned to your specific tasks." sunoo grinned when he read ni-ki's form.

"you're a photography major?" ni-ki can only nod in response to his question.

oh thank goodness. "this is great news! jeno will be happy to hear this."

riki fought the urge to pinch the guy's cheeks. why is he even smiling like that in front of me? this is torture.

meanwhile, sunghoon is enjoying his new discovery. he thought that jeno was the last one, but clearly not. i guess somebody fell into sunoo's trap again.


📷 @nishi_rk tweeted.

what did i just get myself into 😃

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