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ni-ki woke up with a throbbing headache.

when he opened his eyes, he was still half conscious- groaning as he sits on the bed. then, he noticed that he's wearing a different shirt. did jungwon help me get changed last night? or was it me? he can't remember.

he was about to stand up when he noticed something.

this... isn't my dorm.

riki looked around, trying to find something familiar but he hasn't seen this room before. it looks neat, and there's no sign of dirt anywhere. this room looks too organized, how did he end up here? am i still dreaming?

a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. the door opened, revealing the guy who was in the soccer team with his cousin, jake.

"ah, thank gods you're awake. i thought you died of alcohol poisoning." jay leaned on the wall. "sunoo already left because he has a class."

ni-ki feels like his brain's having a hard time processing what jay just said. why is he here? why is he talking to me? and more importantly, where the fuck am i?

jay seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, or maybe it's just evident on his face.

"don't fret, you slept in our apartment because you were too drunk last night." the older looks like he's containing his laughter. oh crap, i probably did something.

"i'm really sorry, i was not-"

"no, it's fine. although i think you should say that to sunoo- you puked all over his carpet, and he had to change your shirt too. in conclusion, he took care of you."

ni-ki chuckled mindlessly. he wanted to just jump on the nearest window and escape this situation. or better yet, he should just transfer. i can't even imagine how i'd face sunoo hyung. i fucked up.

jay whistled, enjoying the little crisis that ni-ki feels right now. it's fun to watch, especially with the stunt that the freshman pulled last night and the scene that unfolded in front of him.

"hyung-! i want to stay with hyung!"

"riki would you wake the fuck up?! let go of sunoo hyung!"

jay heard a little commotion outside of the apartment, so he opened the door- only to see sunoo trying to get away from ni-ki's embrace.

jungwon tried to pull his friend away from the sunbae, but ni-ki's not even budging.

"what the hell?" he heard heeseung whisper behind him.

sunghoon sighed. he looked like he was tired of what's happening. "you know what, just let the kid sleep here tonight. he seems to have glued himself to sunoo."

"what?! no!" sunoo protested while ni-ki is still back hugging him.

"look at him, do you think he can go back home at that rate? jungwon won't be able to handle him." sunghoon slightly pulled jungwon's arm. "we should leave, it's late already."

jungwon nodded, looking at ni-ki with slight embarrassment. "i'm really sorry sunoo hyung, please take care of my friend. thank you!"

after the two left, sunoo managed to force ni-ki to get inside- with the help of heeseung and jay. when they reached sunoo's room, the freshman puked on his carpet so he had no choice but to change the boy's shirt and throw the carpet into the laundry.

in the end, sunoo slept on jay's room with a frown on his face.

jay wished he took a video of the ruckus last night. it was worth to document, the tension in the air was too much for him to handle.

𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now