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oosun @suncript tweeted.

getting ready for MT 💪🏻 hoping to meet a lot of freshmen today!

getting ready for MT 💪🏻 hoping to meet a lot of freshmen today!

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@parkwrites hoping to meet a lot of freshmen??? for what??? to babysit them?
↪@sunscript this is why the youngsters don't like you
@soobeans sunoo can you hurry up 😭 we need your help in here HDJSJ
↪@sunscript i'm otw hyung hehe


when sunoo arrived inside the gymnasium, there are already a lot of students preparing for the training— running back and forth while doing their own tasks.

"sunoo! thank goodness," soobin quickly guided him towards their table. he's one of sunoo's upperclassmen, and he's also taking up the same course as him.

"the last batch of students will be arriving in thirty minutes," the senior gave him a folder, while sunoo is still confused what's going on.


the older gave him a nervous smile before patting his shoulder. "can you go and assist them to get here?"

what? "wait hyung, i don't know how to do that. plus, isn't this ningning's task?"

"that idiot partied last night and now she's too wasted to even attend the training." soobin sighed.

"i'm sorry sun. you can just shave ningning's head once she comes back. in the mean time, you should go and wait for the freshmen's last bus to arrive."

sunoo grunted, trying to decline but his hyung seemed too determined to make him suffer today.

"hyung, i really can't—"

soobin glanced at him. "don't worry, you'll do great. just welcome them, and then check if anyone's missing."

i shouldn't have acted like i'm looking forward to this shitty membership training. now i have to suffer.

he nodded. feeling defeated, sunoo went back outside. he reached for his phone before making his way towards the front gate of their university, where the bus is going to arrive.


[ #TeamJournalism ]

good morning everyone!
i'm here to remind everyone to cover everything (!!!) about the membership training
i'll check your contents tomorrow so be sure that y'all have something or else 🤾🏻‍♂️

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