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[ sunnie 🤍 ]

sunnie 🤍:
hyung good morning!
i'm really sorry about the texts last night 😭
i was drunk and i wasn't thinking straight
just forget about what i said

good morning sun 😅
nah it's fine
don't worry about it

sunnie 🤍:
okay hyung 🤧
i swear i won't do that again

and tone down your drinking habits
it's good that nishimura was with you last night

sunnie 🤍:
sorry hyung 😭
ok but how did you know i was with riki?

saw his tweet lol
stop making the kid stressed

sunnie 🤍:
i know shsjs i was guilty about it too

are you at the uni already?

sunnie 🤍:
not yet hehe i'm otw

i'm gonna buy coffee at the cafeteria
want me to buy you one too?

sunnie 🤍:
nah i think i'll pass on caffeine this time
can you buy me iced choco instead?

you drinking iced choco sounds weird lol
but sure i'll buy it

sunnie 🤍:
lmao whyyy
i believe it's time for a change 😌
anw thanks hyung!


"one iced americano and one iced choco please, thanks." heeseung mumbles to the lady as he pays for the drinks.

time for a change huh....

"penny for your thoughts?"

heeseung stopped spacing out when jake appeared beside him, holding two muffins on his hands.

"hey, are you buying coffee too?" heeseung asked, trying to strike a conversation. as sunoo had said, it's time for a change.

jake shook his head, grinning. "nope, just bread." he stops talking when heeseung's order arrived. the guy glanced at his drinks before smiling, "you drink iced choco?"

heeseung frowned a little. "uh fortunately, no. this is sunoo's order."

"oh," jake chuckles. "that suits him though."

"actually, this is the first time he's drinking this one. he's not fond of sweets." heeseung smiles fondly while looking at the iced choco. "isn't it weird? he would always complain that he hated the taste of sugar before."

it was the first time that jake has seen that kind of expression on heeseung's face, so he watches— trying to memorize that certain look on heeseung.

snap out of it, jake. "really? that's cute haha."

"hyung!" both of them looked back at sunoo who waves at heeseung, hopping while coming towards their direction.

wait a minute. did he just call him hyung? i thought he didn't like being called that.

"you don't have hangover anymore?" heeseung asked before giving sunoo his drink. the younger laughed awkwardly, avoiding his gaze.

"kind of. hi jake!" sunoo opted to greet jake to avoid further embarrassment. "anyways, thanks for this. i'll go ahead, bye!"

𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now