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"you feel like home..."

sunoo gripped on his hair tight. how can i stop my brain from replaying this?

"hey babe! i'm home-"

"shut up! i'm not your home!" sunoo stopped shouting when he realized what he just said.

while jay is standing in front of the door, looking at him weirdly. "i didn't say that though.... no one said you're an infrastructure? what are you on?"

"right haha i was just... joking." he walks towards the kitchen to drink.

his roommate doesn't seem convinced.

"something's up with you. what is it? tell me before i hide your coffee beans again." jay sits on their couch.

nothing, just riki trying to woo me with his words. normally, sunoo would've just brushed it off because it's not the first time that a person is making a move on him. but with riki, it's just... how do i explain it? i was expecting him to give up after i told him, but he still does weird things.

sure, it makes me uncomfortable at times... but what makes me more frustrated is the fact that i can't get it out of my head. i think my brain's broken.

"i just asked you a simple question, i didn't ask you to do magic tricks so stop spacing out and tell me." jay taps the space right next to him, gesturing sunoo to sit beside him.

the pink-haired sighed. "it's nothing. i'm gonna take a nap so don't bother me."

"you liar, i know there's something else. you're with riki earlier so i'm assuming that it has something to do with him- sunoo answer me!"

sunoo didn't say a word and just went straight to his room while jay mumbles incoherent words.


oosun @sunscript tweeted.

looking for a new roommate, preferably someone who knows when to shut their mouth and someone who doesn't hide my coffee beans tnx

looking for a new roommate, preferably someone who knows when to shut their mouth and someone who doesn't hide my coffee beans tnx

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873 likes | 321 retweets


@parkwrites about time you kick that specimen out of your apartment 👍
@soobeans oooh i'm interested!
↪@yeonjuned i'm looking for a roommate too 🥺
↪@soobeans i didn't ask
@leejeno oh 👀
↪@chenleave don't even try bud, you'll just end up in a ditch somewhere
@cornjay what- DELETE THIS 😡 and you said you were sleeping!
↪@sunscript how can i even sleep with that loud mouth of yours jfc

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