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"poor sunoo, i hope he's gonna be alright," jake sighs while walking back to the field. heeseung is following behind him, arms at the side of the pockets of his pants.

"that must've hurt a lot though. the last time i got a sprain i haven't walked properly for a week.... i heard he didn't even want to participate, so why did he-"

"because he doesn't like quitting halfway, he's not a coward." heeseung's voice seemed to echo inside jake's mind.

he bit the inside of his cheek. "right...well, do you want to watch another game?"

the older did not answer.

he's been like this since earlier. i thought we got closer when he agreed to hang out with me today.

i guess i was wrong.

"i need to go, i still have something to do. bye," heeseung gave him a light tap on his shoulder and quickly ran off towards the opposite direction, leaving jake completely alone.


busy 😪 @simjake tweeted.

well, what did u expect from him jake 😶

well, what did u expect from him jake 😶

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796 likes | 73 retweets


@cornjay i don't wanna say i told you so but,, I FVCKING TOLD YOU SO
↪@simjake is that how you're supposed to comfort your bff?????
↪@cornjay i'm not your bff tf 🙄
@chenleave who 👀
↪@simjake who tf are you 😭


there are times where sunoo thinks he's fooling himself.

all the times where he smiles at people and accepts the favors that they ask him to do- it's all an act.

an act, in hopes of trying to forget him.

sunoo chuckled bitterly. acting like we're still fine as friends, that's bullshit. he tried moving his foot but the pain shoots through.

"sunoo hyung, the doctor said you can't move your foot yet." riki held his arm to make him stop.

he looked at the freshman who brought him to the clinic. it still didn't sink in that he cried like an idiot in front of a boy who made it obvious that he likes him. gods, that's such a dumbass thing to do, sunoo.

"hey," he shifted on the bed, adjusting his foot to rest on the edge. riki is sitting at one of the stools at the corner of the room.

"thank you for helping me. uh, and i'm sorry." sunoo tries to form a decent sentence. "it's just...i was really devastated earlier, about what happened in the competition that's why i-"

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