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"no, i can't join you tonight... what? no! i swear i'm not feeling well, i already told coach i'm skipping the practice today."

sunoo sipped on his mug of coffee, watching jay argue with someone on the phone. they're having their breakfast and he can't help but hear jay's conversation when he's just sitting in front of him.

he hears the muffled voice on the other line. was that jake? i think that's him.

"your love life is not my concern, and i'm busy. goodbye," jay pressed the end button and put his phone on the table.

sunoo raised his eyebrow when his roommate got up and put coffee on his mug. one thing that he learned about jay is that he rarely drinks coffee, especially in the morning.

"you're drinking coffee. something's wrong."

"excuse me?" jay stares at him before going back to his seat.

sunoo pointed at the coffee that he's holding. "you're not a coffee person. where's your gross protein shake?"

"stop staring at me like that," jay grimaced, "nothing's wrong with me. i just wanted to drink coffee, that's it."

"okay then." he knows that his friend is not telling him something, but he doesn't want to pry further. he'll tell me if he wants to.

it was jay's turn to observe sunoo as the boy got busy on his phone while texting someone.

"how are things going between you and ni-ki?" jay casually asks.

ever since they started dating, sunoo seldom joins them for lunch. the two are always together during their free time, and jay doesn't complain. he likes it that ni-ki is attentive towards sunoo.

"great, i guess." sunoo replied, his eyes still glued on his phone. he chuckled, as if he just read something funny.

he looks happy.

he sighed. it seems like everything is falling into its own place now. great, i feel alone again.

"sun, are you going out later?"

"yeah, we're going to see a movie." sunoo glanced at him. "oh no, i know that look."

jay pouted. "come on, let me join you two!"

"it's a date, jay. you still want to become a third wheel?" sunoo gave him a disappointed face.

he shrugs, "i don't mind. i'm an excellent third wheel."

"but we do mind. you should just attend your practice, do you want me to call your coach-"

"no!" he grabs sunoo's phone before the guy could dial his coach's number. "can't i just join your date? pretty please?"

sunoo massaged his temple. "you are a headache. i hope you know that."


[ sunoo's angels 🔫 ]

are you guys busy?
@sunghoon @heeseung


you need smth, sun?

yeah i do
i need y'all to adopt jay
take him

what's wrong with him?

𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 | 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now