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Yonsei Letter @letters_for_YU tweeted.

Good day dear students! As announced by our team last week, we will be holding tryouts starting today ☺️ If you wish to join, you may come to our headquarters at 2:30 pm onwards.

We encourage everyone to join 🤗

ps. just a sneak peak but here's our editor and associate editor-in-chiefs ;)

 just a sneak peak but here's our editor and associate editor-in-chiefs ;)

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6835 likes | 1726 retweets


@winterbear wait you have guys like this? I'M GONNA JOIN RN 🏃🏻‍♀️
@soobeans excuse me i didn't need to see a couple on my tl this early
@liaaa wait they look cute tgt 😭
@erenyeagah dude they're inlove
@sunscript chenle i told you to tweet about the tryouts, now wtf is this
@beombear are you guys dating
@yinyang @nishi_rk let's go later oki
↪@nishi_rk sure wtvr


heeseung was not having it.

he woke up at around 8 am today, still feeling shitty because he couldn't finish the coding for the new website last night. and now, for some unknown reason, jay has decided to drag and make heeseung do some physical activities.

"come on, hee! pick up your pace! you're slacking!" jay yelled while jogging around the field.

fuck you, i can't even feel my legs.

"just shut your mouth- i beg of you," he manages to say between his breath. "i hate this, i hate you."

jay gave him a thumbs down. "dude, we didn't even run that much. are you that old? is your knees starting to act up?"

heeseung ignored him and continued running to complete his fifth lap. the sooner he finishes his jog, the sooner he can escape jay's loud mouth.

he almost crawls his way back to the bleachers seats and quickly picks up his towel. thank gods hell is over.

"seriously, heeseung? we're not done yet." jay was grinning while walking towards him.

"no thanks. that's enough physical torture for today, leave me alone."

"but we still have to play soccer-"

"i want- no, i need to sleep. i don't want to play stupid ball games with you."

jay sighed, finally giving up. "buzzkill. fine then, you're free to go. you can go back to your cave or whatever."

heeseung nodded, but he was too tired to walk again so he decided to sit for a bit and cool down.

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