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how can you tell if you've fallen in love with someone for the first time?

is it the butterflies that just randomly appear in your stomach every time you see them? or is it the loud pounding of your chest?

how would someone know, right?

how would riki even know that? he's not the type of person to feel a lot of things. at the age of 19, he hasn't felt that kind of feeling.

or he hasn't... yet.

the first time his heart beat went over the normal bpm, it was when he saw the person he's bound to fall in love all over again.

the first time he saw kim sunoo.

it's silly, isn't it? because even ni-ki doesn't believe in love at first sight.

but how can you not fall for that kind of guy?

that's when riki became determined to make sunoo fall for him too. i don't want to see him fall for someone else, that would be the end of me.

but then, pursuing the guy and realizing that there's more to him- riki wasn't prepared at all. he didn't prepare himself for the pain that comes along with loving someone.

how the hell would i know that falling in love would be this difficult?

still... as he always says, it's worth it.

loving kim sunoo is always worth the pain.

"why are you staring at me like that again?" he snaps back into reality when sunoo pinches his cheek.

he shakes his head, wrapping his arm around sunoo's waist. they're sitting on one of the wooden benches right outside the mall.

right after their heartwarming scene, ni-ki convinced sunoo to stay at their home for christmas- to which sunoo tried to decline. however, riki's mother was ecstatic when she got to meet ni-ki's friend that she quickly told sunoo to stay in their guest room.

sunoo didn't have a choice but to agree.

and now, they're doing shopping to buy gifts for sunoo's family- as insisted by riki's mom again.

sunoo was supposed to help his mom buy groceries but ni-ki pulled him away, saying that he's going to show him around okayama.

"you're spacing out," sunoo puts the back of his hand on his forehead. "are you feeling sick?"

"nope, i'm all good." ecstatic, even. riki chuckles and nuzzles sunoo's neck.

"you're not cold? you should've worn a thicker jacket."

"i'm not cold, hyung. you're enough to warm me up."

sunoo blushed, rolling his eyes at him. the younger seems to have enjoyed seeing him get flustered every time he says some cringey lines.

i'm not complaining though.

he smiles and pinched ni-ki's cheek for the second time. "you're so cute."

riki glanced at him while pouting. he just giggled and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "the cutest ever."

"no i'm not." ni-ki grimaced, "but since you kissed me, i'm letting that slide."


oosun @sunscript tweeted.

happy new year, everyone! 🥳🥰

happy new year, everyone! 🥳🥰

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