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[ riki 📸 ]

good morning!
you ready for today?

riki 📸:
hyung, i think i'm really not talented in taking photos

but that's literally your major 😐
lmao i know you're just nervous
just shake it off and it'll be fine

riki 📸:
i'm not okay

hush, don't say that
where are you anyways?

riki 📸:
i'm here at the comsci lounge

oh okay
stay there

riki 📸:
noted hyungg


"you don't look nervous to me," ni-ki almost jumped on his seat when sunoo sat beside him, both his hands are holding two cups of coffee.

he almost pouted. "but i really am, it just doesn't show."

sunoo grinned at him, showing the whisker-like dimples on his cheeks. "how can you be so cute? here, take this one." he hands him the coffee on his left hand.

riki stared at the coffee for a second before taking it, trying to ignore how his fingertips brush the senior's hand— making him feel weird.

"thanks, hyung."

"just do what you normally do. take pictures as if you're just strolling, okay?" sunoo proceeds to pat his head. "i'm sure you're gonna do a great job."

he gulps. "you think so?"

he takes the courage to meet sunoo's gaze. the boy's hazel eyes seem to be always sparkling, as if there are stars in there.

sunoo smiled, causing his heart to do a little jump. "of course, i don't lie."


a voice interrupted them. when riki looked around, he saw heeseung walking towards their direction.

"hyung!" sunoo quickly stands up and walks fast to meet the older. "i texted you earlier, are you busy?"

heeseung shakes his head. "nah. i put my phone inside my locker earlier so i haven't checked your text, sorry." he eyes the drink that sunoo's been holding and swiftly takes it with his hand.

"this is mine, right?"

the pink-haired boy nodded. "yep, definitely yours."

ni-ki just stares at them. why does it feel like.... he shakes the thought off his mind. he's probably just overthinking.

"ah!" sunoo suddenly exclaims. he drags heeseung towards where riki is sitting. "here's our new photographer. you two know each other already, right?"

"yeah," heeseung gives riki a small nod. "i hope you enjoy the exhibit."

"thanks, goodluck on your exhibit too." he replied.

sunoo chuckled as the two went silent. "great, i have two socially awkward friends now."


oosun @sunscript tweeted.

sending you goodluck on your exhibit, hyung! @cyberlee

sending you goodluck on your exhibit, hyung! @cyberlee

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