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Secret Garden

Now, I'm much obliged.
You created a lovely garden within me.
How I long to live in a cottage with a garden inside.
But in a way I did not foresee,
With only one word you made my dream come to life.
I walked in a rainbow aisle with you
After you made me cry a river, then a sea.
You turned my selfish ways into a vine,
Crawling with necessity for a support to grow upright.
Stolen flowers from your mother nature
Gave me butterflies.
You gave me a ray of sunlight which gave my butterflies delight.
I was just a moss, you stumbled upon
A vast area of thorns and much chrysanthemums.
Then, you planted a tree of hope and it grown so tall
That it reached my heart and soul.
Now, I'm much obliged.

A Roadtrip In MindHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin