Twenty-two: EDITED

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||update date 07-02-13|| - this book has been edited by @lynn_ferns

Chapter twenty-two



I just arrived home, it has been two years. The flight back was exhausting my and wolf kept begging me to let it out, and now I’m going to have to shift and let it have its way. As I walked out the door, a girl was walking towards me; she looked familiar, so familiar it made my wolf beg more to be let out.

Oh, no, I remembered her as she walked by me and I whispered her name “Katherine”.

It was Katherine, what is she doing here? How does she know I live here?  I heard her footsteps stop as I spoke her name; I turn to see her look at me.

Like she was pissed and tired, she didn’t look strong, and I sniffed the air, she was a she-wolf, I heard her murmur my name, “Uriel.”

This time she looks really pissed, “what are you looking at Zadkiel?” She glared at me, wait did she just call me, Zadkiel? My wolf growled at the name she spoke, I could feel that she knew that it was me and not my twin brother.

“I’m tired and I want to rest, nice hair cut by the way.” she turned and walked into the house and I just stood there looking at her back.




I was trying to calm myself from breaking down, seeing Uriel just seconds ago makes me want to run to him and hug him like I use too. I opened the door to Zadkiel’s room to find him naked! Wet! Butt Naked! He must have just finished showering.

I hadn’t realized that I was looking at his dick until he coughed, “my face is here, darling.”

I look at him, our eyes lock with each other, my cheeks were burning, god did I seriously just stare? I look away from him, “sorry, I ah- I I’m tired and I wanted to just take a nap, I have a long day with Alec. We decided to break things off.”

“That just made my day, love.” I glared at the little jerk.

“Well it’s the worst for me, the sex was great his dick was big, way bigger than” his growl cut me and left me smirking.

“Don’t worry, pup, I’ve seen smaller, too bad Uriel’s bigger” fuck! What did I just said!

“Come again, love? I thought heard my brother’s name,” he growled, his eyes turning yellow once again. I opened the button to my pants and slipped out of it.

“It’s a hot day” I open my shirt next , leaving me with only a two piece “I’m going to take a nap” this time he look at me with lust, he was practically drooling.

I walk closer to him and licked his neck causing him to moan. “Too bad, you aren’t a vampire; if you were I would drag you to bed with me, since it is cold.

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