Chapter two

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​Was he talking to me?

​"Um, yes?"

​"Two peanuts walk into a was assaulted." A loud hysterical laugh followed.


​"It's a joke, blondes like jokes right?"

​"Yeah, thanks. Made my morning."

​Ok so maybe he was a little strange. A teacher making a joke about a bar is sort of taboo right? I think he was trying a little too hard to make students like him but that was just a first impression. First impressions are almost never correct. I heard him making some football player joke to what I'm assuming was a football player. I couldn't help but smile. He was funny, in a strange way.

​His classroom was very sports themed. I couldn't help but feel out of my element, as I hated sports. I'd tried every sport that was available as a child but they just wasn't my thing.

​There was a seat available in the back and I ran for it. I was in the very back corner. The only downside is for some reason the teachers desk was right behind me. Why would a teacher put their desk in the back?

​I noticed one of the Manson twins was beside me and in front of me was a tall boy that I couldn't see over. No matter, it's not like I'd be paying attention in a math class anyway. I wondered where the bell was to call class in session. Surely they have bells here.

​Mr. Barker was still outside chatting away with students.

​"Hey listen, I'm really sorry about my sister. Evelyn's like that. It's really nothing personal." The Manson twin stated.

​"It's no problem; I know I came off as an idiot."

"Ignore her; she's been that way since my dad left."

"Oh." I really couldn't think of a reply to this. I'm not good with the whole listening to people's problems thing. It's not that I don't care, I just never know the right thing to say.

​"So, are y'all twins?" Sometimes I couldn't help my southern accent.

​"Not hardly, she's the oldest. Evelyn's a senior and I'm a junior. Why would you think we were twins when she's almost a foot taller than me?"

​Before I could make a reply there was the long awaited bell. Here it was a legitimate bell sound, back home it was more of a computerized drawn out beeping noise.

​The class was a typical first day of class day. We filled out an uncountable amount of paper work and listened to Mr. Barker talk about football, apparently he was the school's football coach. That explained a lot. Of course, we had to go over the handbook also.

​I felt sort of guilty for my secret hatred of the Mean Girls look a likes this morning. According to the handbook if an underclassman parked in senior parking, they really would be towed.

​The rest of my morning went in the same fashion, except for theater arts. Theater arts class was an entirely different ball game. I have no idea why I was put in this class. I was about as shy and socially awkward as it was possible to be. Mrs. Hill, the teacher, was the only teacher thus far to make me introduce myself. I just wasn't a verbose person. It was terrifying. My face felt like it was going to melt off. My face flushes so easily.

​At least there wasn't any attractive males in theater. In fact there were only two males at all and I think they were an item. At least I knew they weren't paying attention to me rattling on about myself.

​Mean girl number two smiled during my introduction. I'm not sure if it was a reassurance smile or a taunting smile. Either way, I smiled politely back.

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