Chapter thirty four

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Steven wasn't there before English class. He was always there but he just wasn't today. I didn't want to draw attention to myself so I pretended to look at my phone, hoping he would pop up. He never did. Class was kind of a blur as I disassociated myself thinking about Steven. I knew he was pulling away, being distant. I knew what was coming eventually but I didn't know how to stop it.

When we was actually in each other's presence all these fears disappeared and I felt silly for over thinking, but that was nothing but false hope, I'm afraid.

I knew I most likely wouldn't see Steven the entire day if he didn't see me first thing in the morning, that was our only opportunity.

"Hey, Whitney the bell just rang to leave are you going to stay in here all day or what?" Monica motioned for me to come on. Bethany and Allison was already gone. Monica smiled a sympathetic smile before leaving the classroom.

The entire day I couldn't think of anything but why Steven was the way he was. Sometimes we would go days without talking. I found myself constantly staring at the phone with the painful realization that he couldn't possibly feel the same about me as I did him. If he did, he would put in more effort. In physical science I reminisced on the first day of this class when Steven kept his hand on my knee the whole class. I cherished every moment we'd ever had together no matter how insignificant they seemed.

Dan was standing outside of the gym without Callie waiting for me before gym class. He looked annoyed.

"Where's Callie?" Dan paused before answering, "She's already in the locker room. I told her I wanted to talk to you privately. It's about prom. Your boyfriend can't take you. I had a talk with Callie. I'll never have feelings for her romantically. She needs to get it out of her head. I've been interested in you since the moment I seen you. You're beautiful. Please just go to prom with me? It's just as friends. I know you have a boyfriend." Dan smiled showing off his dimples.

I considered it for a short moment realizing Steven honestly probably didn't care if I did or didn't go to prom with Dan but I knew I couldn't do that to Callie. I'd made a lot of new friends since moving to Mayberry but Callie was the most special to my heart.

"I'm sorry Dan. I can't do that to Callie, I'm so sorry but I just can't." I prepared myself for his temper but thankfully it didn't come.

"I figured you'd say that. You really are different from other girls, Whitney. I hope you never loose that." He smiled weakly as he walked to the male changing room.

Most girls were already dressed out and back in the gym, I knew I had to hurry. Callie was sitting on the bench near her locker crying. I had an idea why. Crying is such an awkward thing for me. I would honestly rather be completely naked in Times Square that to cry in front of someone. I never knew how to help or approach someone who was crying.

"Callie? What happened?" I tried to sound as caring as possible.

"Dan told me he's basically in love with you and I was keeping the two of you apart." She stated as plainly as she could. "I know it's not your fault but he told me you guys were going to prom together." There was still small tears falling from her eyes and her normal pale face had turned scarlet.

"We're not going to prom together. I told him no. Callie, I'm absolutely crazy about Steven and I would never do that to you." I smiled at her reassuringly. She frowned in response.

"I know all of this. That's not why I'm crying. It doesn't matter that you said no or that you love Steven. What matters is Dan loves you whether you love him or not. It's ironic. The one we love and the one who loves us is never the same person."

Callie's words could have a thousand meanings but how true they were. I was so in love with Steven and honestly, I'd never believe he felt the same about me. He may have been my boyfriend but I felt like I was constantly having to prove my worth to him.

"Girls, you should been long dressed out by now! Everyone else is already outside on the track. Both of you will serve after school detention today."

Detention, I thought to myself. That was certainly a place I'd never been before. It was just as well. I didn't have to work that day and my parents had too much in their own personal lives to worry about something as insignificant as detention and in any case, I knew Steven would be there. I laughed to myself as I thought of how shocked he would be to see me in detention.

"I'll see you two trouble makers later." Dan smiled mischievously at Callie and myself as we made our walk to the other end of the school to serve our time. Callie returned his smile somewhat weakly. I could tell she was genuinely hurt by Dan's continued crush on me but I wasn't sure what to do about it.

"Is Steven good to you?" Callie asked timidly. I smiled in the most forced smile I could muster.

"He is, mostly. He's wonderful when we're together but the time we physically spend together is far and few between lately. He hardly ever calls and he's always late but honestly, he's always been like that. You just never know with him." I know my voice sounded sad.

"You seem off lately like you've been sad." Callie wrapped her arm through mine as we continued our walk. She continued hesitantly, "If you do want to go to prom with Dan, I'll be ok with it. Honestly, if you ever want to date Dan, I'll be ok. He's never going to feel the way I do about him and I just want him to be happy. I think all that would make him happy is you. Happiness is all I've ever wanted for him." I looked over at her realizing how truly of a wonderful heart Callie possessed. "Of course, I want you to be happy too." She smiled sheepishly.

"All that would make me happy would be for me to become secure in my relationship with Steven. Honestly, sometimes I feel like it's all one-sided with Steven and me." With the last word of my statement Callie and myself both looked up into the detention room to see Callie Bentley sitting on Steven's lap waiting for the teacher to return.

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