Chapter thirty seven

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Laying down that evening was restless. I couldn't get comfortable, since mom had moved in with Jonathan dad tended to keep the thermostat set to a higher degree, Mom, like myself, always liked it colder inside. I got up to turn my ceiling fan on, with spring in full force and a hot southern summer just around the corner dad and myself were going to have to have a meeting about this thermostat issue.

I didn't bother turning the light on since I could run laps in my room in the dark. I was also a pretty tidy person so nothing was ever out of order. The virgo in me,  I suppose. In the dark I seen my phone light up. As pathetic as it was my heart fluttered hoping it was Steven, and it was. Not a phone call to my dismay but a text message.

Goodnight! I hope you sleep good. I know you seemed sad about prom but I'm not allowed in there. I talked to mom and she's going to rent me a tux so I can take pictures with you anyway. I'm sure you'll want your prom pictures and I want that memory to be with me. Let me know what color dress you end up getting.

The gesture was sweet, I thought to myself, but I couldn't even respond. The hot and cold with Steven lately was consuming my every thought. He was distant one day and the next day apologizing for being distant. I just couldn't understand him. I wished I  could figure out a way to make things be the way they were at the beginning with us. In a cruel honest moment to myself I think I realized, Steven had been attracted to my innocence but quickly bored of it. Maybe spending so much time with Callie in alternative school he realized he missed girls like her. That was a type of girl I wasn't sure if I ever could be.

I tossed and turned all night, partly because of the temperature, and partly because of anxiety relating to Steven.

Steven wasn't waiting for me the next morning at school. He hardly ever was anymore. I had stopped looking for him. School was a blur. I just kind of was going through the motions lately because I was so consumed with thinking of Steven. I had to do something. Callie and I walked in silence to my car that evening.

"Callie, you're going to think I'm absolutely crazy but I want to walk by the detention classroom." Callie looked up with an understanding smile.

"Hey, if you two are going by to spy on Steven, let me be the one to walk by. If he sees one of you he'll know exactly what's going on." I turned quickly to see Monica. She had a cigarette in her hand. I never realized she smoked. I wondered to myself how she kept her teeth so white. I nodded in understanding.

It was too hot for my comfort to wait on Monica outside. "We'll be in my car with the AC running." Without any expression Monica headed to her mission.

"Are you going to be ok if Steven breaks up with you?" Callie asked with sympathy in her voice. I turned my head to the window without answering her. Jody was on the track at the football field running laps. I thought of her and Steven and couldn't help but notice how much prettier she was than me. She was definitely in a lot better physical shape than me. I'd definitely put on weight since my move to Mayberry, partially because the takeout choices here were more available than back home and takeout had became a staple since my parents separating.

"I guess I'll have to be. I'd say it's coming soon." Callie didn't respond but I'm sure she was well in agreement with me. I tried to act as nonchalant as possible. I felt silly crying and carrying on in public over a boy I hadn't even known that long when put into perspective. Maybe it was just because he had been my first boyfriend and I romanticized him so much, I couldn't tell you why I was so infatuated with Steven.

I looked past Callie and seen Monica quickly walking toward my car. I could tell by her face she definitely had a story to tell. I braced myself as she came to my window. I hoped whatever it was I could contain myself, I had to be at work shortly and still had to take Callie home. I didn't have time to fix myself if I was to cry.

"Whitney, you're such a sweet person and I just want you to know that you can have about any guy you want..." Monica trailed off. I knew by the start of her speech she'd seen something.

"Steven, I seen him kiss Callie. On the lips, full on kiss. I didn't want to stand and stare so I turned quickly to leave but it didn't look like it was unfamiliar to either of them." Monica's tan face turned crimson as she spoke. I'm sure mine was as white as a ghost.

"Ok, thank you. I've got to get to work. I'll see you tomorrow." I tried to fake a smile the best I could. Monica raised one eyebrow while Callie reached to touch my shoulder. Hiding emotions had always been something I was fairly good with. Inside I was sobbing.

"Callie, I'd appreciate if you didn't mention any of this to Dan. I need to figure out what I'm going to do and I really don't want to hear his mouth." Callie nodded understandingly.

"I love you, Whitney." I couldn't help but smile. Even though I was devastated over Steven it was unfamiliar yet beautiful to have the female friendships I'd obtained since my move. I'd never had but really one friend, Madison, my entire life.

I had to change clothes while driving, which proved to be a difficult task. I parked in my normal parking spot at the grocery store and got out of the car in my tank top while looking for my work shirt in my back seat.

"You look pretty." I heard Presley's voice and about cringed. Anything about that boy creeped me out.

"Sorry, I think I've told you before, I just like to look at you." He looked to the ground as I went to meet his gaze. He was just not my taste. I found him annoying. You could see the grease in his hair shining with dandruff falling down. I couldn't tell you what caused me to come up with my next statement. I think partly just wanting something to distract my mind from Steven.

"Do you want to go to Mayberry's prom with me? I'm sure you have your own prom so it's fine if you don't want to come." As soon as the words left my mouth, I hoped he'd say no but I seen his creepy grin form.

"I would love to go with you. Our prom is always later than Mayberry's. It's literally right at the end of the term. Just let me know what color dress you're getting." His smile was the biggest I'd ever seen. At least I'd made him happy, I suppose. If there was one moment in time I wish I could take back, it would have been that very encounter.

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