Chapter twenty four

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Steven was allowed to come to class for the presentation in physical science, although none of us really talked except Monica. Monica was beautiful and extremely intelligent. Her white smile flashed during the presentation as she made jokes to the class. She was very well versed.

After the presentation was completed Steven had to go back to the alternative school building and I returned to my seat at the front table, alone. I know Steven couldn't help the alternative school situation but the feeling of being alone was becoming too familiar.

"How'd your presentation go?" Callie asked casually as we sat on the bleachers waiting for gym class to start. We had been dressed for several minutes. The teacher must be running behind.

"It went well, I think, but honestly I just stood there. I feel kind of bad, Monica did everything." Dan laughed at my statement. Dan was sitting with us on the girl's side rather than sitting with the boys.

"Nah, don't feel bad. Monica's always been smart. She doesn't care to do a little extra." Callie smiled reassuringly.

I smiled and couldn't help but stare over at the boys side wishing Steven was there.

"You two want to go to the park after school and hang out? If you're not working?" Dan asked with a sweet smile. Callie had started working at QuickLunch along with her sister.

"I'm actually off." Callie dittoed my statement.

Hanging out with Callie and Dan would take my mind off Steven. The boys gym teacher arrived prior to the girls so Dan jogged over to the other side. The boys appeared to be having gym outside today. We had a substitute that arrived very late. She seemed to not care what we did as she sat on the bleachers working on paper work as the class walked around the gym or played basketball.

"Oh! Callie! I forgot to tell you, Allison caught Drew cheating with Dan's sister. He's been sneaking in her window at night!" We had ran out of things to talk about just continuously walking circles around the gym.

"Yeah, oh my goodness! He mentioned that earlier. He said their dad nailed Jody's window shut." I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of a window being nailed shut. How would that even work?

If Jody was fooling around with Drew, which clearly she had been; maybe that meant it was possible to get over Steven. I never wanted to have to get over him but I was always so insecure about our relationship and always had in the back of my mind that him moving on from me was a big possibility. Why I couldn't ever express feelings like this with him, I'll never know.

"Dan's not really thrilled about it himself honestly. He mentioned he was going to talk to him next time he seen him. I just hope it doesn't go how him and Steven's talk about Jody went." I busted out laughing before I realized my mistake as Callie shot me a warning glare. I put my head down.

"Dan's bringing Tiana to prom. No one's asked me to go, you wanna just go together and have fun?" Callie changed the subject.

"Actually, yeah. That sounds great. Steven can't go anyway, as you know." We both rolled our eyes.

The park was nice. The weather was actually fair today. Spring weather has always been welcoming. I just hated when it started turning hot and humid. Tiana called Dan's cell phone the entire time, much to the annoyance of Callie. Dan ignored every call. I have to say, I could see why Tiana may be annoyed. He was hanging out with two girls all of the time that she didn't know. I didn't mention my point of view to Callie, however.

Callie went to swing by herself on the swing set, I declined her offer to come with. I've always gotten motion sick easily.

Dan and I sat on a park bench over looking the play ground.  Dan was gazing over at Callie smiling. I followed his gaze,  Callie almost looked like a child swinging by herself. She had such a child like nature about her anyway.

"You and Callie have the sweetest friendship. I'm sorry for intruding..." I thought of my words before I said them. I knew how his temper could be. He raised an eyebrow as I continued. His eyes really were the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen.

"I was just wondering, I know you have a girlfriend but you haven't always. Have you ever thought of Callie as more than a friend?" He didn't look upset so that was a good sign.

"No, not at all. She's like a sister to me. Honestly, as much as I love Jody, I'm closer to Callie than her. I know Callie has feelings for me and she probably put you up to this but as much as I hate it, I don't and won't ever feel anything more than friendship for Callie." He looked at the ground.

My phone was vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and seen Steven's name flashing. Dan takes my phone and puts it beside him.

"I didn't answer my girlfriend. You can ignore your boyfriend for five minutes." He glares at me. He had no right to take my phone but I didn't feel like arguing.

"Hey, guys. Do y'all wanna go get ice cream or something?" Callie appeared before us, I didn't even realize she was walking up. Her voice was off.

"Hey, why do you have Whitney's phone?" Callie looked sincerely confused.

"Steven called her." Dan huffed.

"So? He is her boyfriend. Get over it." Callie grabbed my phone and handed it back to me. I stick my tongue out playfully at Dan who returns the gesture.

The three of us are caught off guard by a couple unknowingly walking up in front of us. I understood now why Callie wanted to leave by her face. She'd seen them before we did. My eyes went directly to Jody and Drew's hands that were intertwined.

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