Chapter thirty eight

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The work evening was consumed mostly by Presley finding excuses to come to my register and talk to me, anytime I had a customer he would come bag the groceries for me. I knew I had given him the wrong impression but I wasn't sure what to do about it now.

"So, why are you not going to prom with your boyfriend?" Presley looked at the  ground as he spoke to me. I wasn't exactly sure how to answer his question. I paused and looked at him for a brief minute, trying to find something I found attractive about him. I remember thinking Dan was attractive when I first moved to Mayberry, but that was before Steven. All I could see now was Steven. Perhaps Presley wasn't so bad, maybe, it was just me comparing every man to Steven. Presley was significantly shorter in stance then Steven and had awkward posture. He did have nice arms. They were very defined but it almost looked strange because the rest of him was so gangly. He did smell nice. He was always wearing cologne, but sometimes it was overpowering.

"He can't go, he's in alternative school." I figured i'd just go with that rather then to let him know Steven and I probably wouldn't be together much longer. I didn't feel like opening that wound this early on. Presley nodded understandingly which surprised me. I expected him to be like Dan and go into a big long speech about how I could do better.

"I can relate. I was in alternative school all last year myself. It's hard to stay out of trouble in this town, there's nothing to do." He finally looked up at me. His eyes were so creepy. Almost yellow looking. He had the most sinister smile. I immediately thought of Steven's annoying smirk he always had. Steven's teeth were so perfect, his face was my favorite thing about him. As much as it annoyed me, his smirk was probably my very favorite thing about him. Presley's smile was a far cry. I knew even at that time, I was just a child. I knew that even in small towns, it's rare for one to marry and stay with their first love for their entire life. My parents had told me from the start there would be many more boys in my life after Steven and that one day, I wouldn't even remember Steven's name. They was right about the first part and in a way, I wished they had been right about the second part of their attempt at life advice.

I wondered how I would tell Steven I was going to prom with this random stock boy at work. He seemed to encourage the possibility of Dan taking me as his date so I couldn't imagine him caring about this boy taking me. He had offered to take pictures with me for prom but that was before Monica seen him and Callie lip locked. I wasn't sure when he was going to break it to me they were together, if they even were together. I wondered how many clandestine meetings they had experienced together. I had to put it out of my mind.

"Can I have your number so we can coordinate prom like your dress and such?" Presley was becoming more relaxed with his speech around me, I noticed.

I nodded and turned to the register and ejected some receipt paper to write my number on. It was a slow evening at work that allowed for all this conversation with Presley and myself. Presley stayed at my register the entire shift. I have to admit as the hours passed by, he became pleasurable to talk to. He had recently lost his grandfather to death and I was able to relate to his pain as it hadn't been an awfully long time since I had lost my grandparents. My attitude toward him began to soften with conversation and I was able to put aside my lack of physical attraction to him.

"Are you two going to stay here flirting all night or can you pull your register so we can go home?" Reece seemed to be in an irritable mood at first with his statement but then I seen him give a slight grin to Presley.

I sat in the office with Reece as he counted my register. He was always nice but never conversed much. He was slightly older than me. I assumed 18-19. He looks up at me several times while counting the money, obviously debating on whether to say something. I had a gut feeling it was to do with Presley.

"You're still seeing Steven Abbas?" Reece looked up with a blank expression.

"I'm not sure. I think so." The I think so was more of a hopeful statement on my part.

Reece continued to count the money and enter numbers as he stated, "He's bad news. I graduated from Mayberry, I know." He looked up as he finished his statement to view my reaction. Like he wasn't the first person to tell me this. I knew Steven's reputation. As saddened as I was over Steven I still felt myself want to come to his instant defense. I think no matter what happened between me and Steven, I would always be in his corner. Reece continued on with his speech before I could start my pro-Steven rant.

"You know, Presley is a good guy and he seems to really like you. I don't know him all that well but he's worked here for some time and seems like an easy going guy." Reece smiled reassuringly in my direction. I was sure at this point Presley's crush on me had became gossip among the store staff. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony, Presley had just told me mere hours ago he had been in trouble before himself, of course, I guess that doesn't mean he isn't a "good guy" as Reece put it.

"Did he put you up to this?" I asked playfully to ensure the conversation remained light hearted in regards to Steven and Presley.

"No, he didn't but he talks about you a lot. Anyway, let's roll. I'm ready to get out of here." Reece locked up the office and held the door open for me. Presley was standing at the outside entrance, which was unusual, he normally left before Reece and myself. I looked at Reece who nodded me in Presley's direction. I seen what they were doing. I had enjoyed talking to Presley that evening to pass the time by at work but I should've never asked him to come to my prom with me.

He opened my car door for me in an obvious attempt to impress me. Why men thought this was an over the top gesture that deserved applause and standing ovation, i'll never know.

"I'll call you about prom soon." He smiled as he shut my door. I felt so guilty for asking him to prom. I'm sure it led him to think maybe I was interested in him but I had let him know I had a boyfriend so I wasn't sure why he would be confused.

My phone rang on the way home and without hesitating I answered thinking it would be Steven but I was surprised to hear a females voice. Allison.

"Hey girl; Monica and Bethany are coming over to stay the night tonight if you'd like to come!" I smiled at the invitation. My life with Steven may have been complicated but I was basking in my new female friendships. I hated to tell her yes and then have my dad be in one of his moods and say no but it was a Friday night so I couldn't imagine he would care.

"Yeah, let me run home from work and pack a bag and i'll be over." I ended the call without saying bye.

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