Chapter fourteen

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​Returning back to school, I had a lot on my mind. Dad agreed to let Steven pick me up until we found a new car. He wasn't thrilled about the idea but he had a lot on his mind too, I'm certain.

​As childish as it sounds, I was excited to ride to school with my boyfriend. I couldn't believe how fast I developed feelings for Steven. I wasn't sure if he felt the same way, probably not. While he may have been my first boyfriend, my first kiss and I didn't realize it at the time but my first love; I knew this feeling couldn't be new to him. I never asked a number but I was aware he'd had a lot of girlfriends before me and he had quite obviously kissed plenty of girls before me. I never asked him but I was sure he'd been sexually active as well in his past. I never wanted to cause him any anxiety or stress. I always wanted to be his peace, his scapegoat from anything unpleasant so I always kept the uncomfortable questions and conversations to a minimum with him, but today I was curious to know his thoughts on the race issue that I couldn't get out of my head.

​"I hear you use profanity, a lot." He looked confused at my statement.

​"Oh, shit. I'm sorry, does it bother you?" He laughed when he realized what he just did, as did I.

​"No, and good thing it doesn't." I playfully hit his arm.

​"It's a hard habit to break, that's all. I don't even think about it, but that's a weird statement first thing in the morning," he still looked confused.

​"I know, it's just out of all the profanity I've heard you use, you've never made a racial slur." I watched him intensely.

​"No, I don't," he continued.

"A lot of my family is pretty, redneck, I guess is the word for it so they do sometimes, but no, I've never." I thought to continue the conversation.

​"Would it bother you if you found out I'd dated a black person in the past? Would it change your mind about me?" I thought he'd wreck from laughing.

​"No, I can't imagine anything changing the way I feel about you, but I would wonder why you lied to me? You said you'd never had a boyfriend before. I was kinda excited to be your first." He winked.

​My first?? The way he made that statement made me feel a jolt of curiosity and excitement.

​"I haven't had a boyfriend, I just wondered how you felt about it. Allison and them had a discussion about race one day and they had me thinking the entire town was racist." I wasn't ready to discuss anything to do with my dad and mom right now-not even with Steven.

​"Oh, I see. Allison is a bit of drama but she is right to an extent. Mayberry can be racist and they do try and make their racism sound not racist if that makes any sense. I've dated black women before so I've gotten the rude comments but to be honest with you, I never paid it attention or cared. I date who I want." He smirked his signature smirk.

​School goes by in a blur, my head is without a doubt in the clouds with thoughts of Steven and then on the other side, worries of my mom and dad, but as bad as it sounds, mostly Steven. He had me completely mystified. I was looking forward to getting a new car, I always hated that Camry but I would be sad when the rides with Steven to and from school came to an end.

​During science class we were allowed to pick our partners for the project. Just like I had hoped Steven, Monica, Bethany and myself all partnered together. Should be an interesting project, hopefully Monica and Bethany knew what they were doing because Steven and I certainly did not.

​Steven and I walked hand in hand to PE, like always. Dan was actually waiting outside the door with Callie today. He seemed to be in a good mood, Callie on the other hand seemed, distraught. Steven and I parted ways as he went to dress out for gym.

​"What happened to your head?" Dan blurted out.

​"Is it that noticeable?" I thought I had covered it well with makeup this morning. I reached up to touch the scab, it still hurt some.

​"I was in a minor car wreck the other night. I'm ok but the Camry is toast." Callie and Dan's eyes both widened.

​"It sure doesn't sound minor, was dick weed driving?" Dan's face was full of annoyance.

​"No, it was just me in the car. I can't wait to get a new car though; I'm really wanting this silver mustang I've seen for sale at the Ford dealership-it's used but it's cute." I feel like Steven would like that, then I remembered Dan drove a Mustang.

​Dan's eyes light up at the mention of a mustang. Callie laughed whole heartedly. "Now you're really speaking to his heart," Callie stated still laughing. Dan smiled, exposing his dimples. His blue eyes twinkled a little.

​"You don't buy a mustang because it's cute, Princess." I wasn't sure if he meant that as taunting or a term of endearment.

​"You might not, but I do." He shook his head at that last comment, but smiled.

​I was relieved gym class sounded easy enough today, girls were playing volleyball which was just as well with me, I never participated much in gym class anyway. In the dressing room, Callie gave me some much unexpected news. Dan was now in a relationship. He had met a girl from another school, her name was Tiana. Callie hadn't met her yet but said he seemed pretty infatuated with her. She also said all he talked about lately was his sexual experiences with this girl. I can't imagine Dan that way. He was so quiet most of the time. I guess it's common, everyone has sex but I guess since I hadn't I just find it hard to picture.

​After gym Dan came running over to Callie and me.

"Hey girls, I'm headed up the mountain later to hang out with Tiana if y'all need me, I won't have reception."

I laughed to myself, he never mentioned his after school plans to us. He wanted me to hear that. I didn't care though in all honesty. I hated he was hurting Callie, however. I just smiled and said ok to make it known he wasn't bothering me by having a girlfriend. He walked away seemingly unbothered.

​"Steven is taking me and bringing me home from school every day since I don't have a car. I'm supposed to go with my dad this weekend though to look at the mustang. I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you a ride too," I offered. I hoped Steven wouldn't mind anyway.

​"Thank you, that's ok. I'm going to meet up with Evelyn and go hang out with her and some of her friends, anyway. I haven't seen her as much lately." She smiled a weakened smile. I could tell she was still upset about Dan. I couldn't understand why he didn't like her in a romantic way. I made a mental note to discuss this with him in the future.

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