Chapter Twenty three

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Steven and me seemed to be spending less time together with him in alternative school and me working a lot of evenings. I was excited to meet at Bethany's to work on our project. Mom and Dad seemed to be civil as of late, mostly just phone conversations, but it was a start. Mom insisted she was staying with a friend but I was certain she was living with the male nurse we'd seen her with. Intuition telling me so, I suppose.

I took my time getting ready to go to Bethany's. Bethany didn't live too far from me based off of her directions so I wasn't concerned with the time. Steven didn't offer to pick me up, I assumed he was still coming. I didn't want to seem clingy or aggravating. I was never one to call him or text him if he didn't me. I was so terrified of getting on his nerves or being thought of as obsessive, I think I almost played too nonchalant. It's like him and myself were in a constant contest to see whom could careless. Why couldn't I ever tell him I needed more from him?

I decided to try to make an impression with my choice in clothing since this would be the first time I've seen him in some time. I decide on a pink plaid skirt with a white fitted t-shirt with a cardigan. I realized we were meeting to work on a project but in all honestly all I was concerned with was Steven. I had became a girl obsessed that much was certain.

Dad shook his head as I left but said nothing. Dad seemed to have given in with Steven but his eyes looked sad every time Steven was mentioned or he knew I was going to see Steven.

Bethany's house was cute. There was several animals running around outside. Bethany lived on a small family farm. She had an older brother whom was outside working with her father, both of whom looked just like Bethany with their posture, stance and friendly smiles. I couldn't help but notice Steven's car wasn't there yet. It took everything in me not to text him. He was never on time for anything.

As I rang the doorbell I hear several dogs from inside barking and Bethany yelling. I couldn't help but laugh. I was surprised to see Allison open the door.

"Hey girl, I'm sorry I'm intruding on you guys today. I just didn't know what to do with myself and Bethany's always been my go to when life sucks." Allison's mascara stained tears fell down her face as she spoke.

Allison had always seemed rather unemotional so I was taken aback to see her in this state. I walked into Bethany's home with Allison slightly in front of me as we all sat in the floor of Bethany's bedroom. Bethany had a colorful room filled with pictures of the three of them. Allison had a picture of the three of them with Drew down staring at it and crying.

"Allison, what's wrong? Did something happen with Drew?" She began to cry harder at my question and I instantly felt guilt for asking.

"He's been cheating on me with Jody Banks. Her father caught him in her room late last night, he's been sneaking in her window at night." She could barely get the statement out she was sobbing so hard. My heart hurt for her. Allison was a tiny thing and she just looked so pitiful crying that hard.

"The worst part is, I do feel like it's my fault. I never knew how much I loved him until this." She continued to sob.

As weird as that sounded, it made sense.

"Are you two still together?" Monica asked in a caring tone.

"We are for right now but mostly because I begged. I honestly think he would be with her, if her family wasn't throwing such a fit. They don't want a black man with their daughter so that's putting a bit of a barrier between them."

As Allison finished her sentence the doorbell rang. I got up to answer, knowing it was Steven. I took my time walking to the door, nervous to see him. He had been my boyfriend for some time now and I still felt the sick stomach butterflies when I knew he was near. I nervously tucked my hair behind my ear and opened the door, trying to keep my nerves at bay.

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