Chapter fifteen

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​Car shopping with my dad went surprisingly well. We didn't mention my mom, whom was still staying with a friend. I thought this was strange given the property we lived on was technically from her family. I think my mom knew what she did was wrong, but I also had felt like my parents had fell out of love a long time ago.

​Dad knew I had already decided on the mustang, but still wanted to test drive other cars. I humored him but we of course settled on the mustang. I listened to dad preach for hours about me getting a part time job for payments, gas and insurance. I agreed and made a note to apply for jobs starting soon.

​Steven and I were going on our first official date Saturday night and I was excited. No matter how much time I spent with Steven I was always nervous to see him. It was like I was afraid he'd just wake up one day and not want me anymore. I knew I was boring and I was afraid he'd see that soon.

​Steven picked me up and was late- I learned to expect that from Steven. Me being myself and never wanting to seem like a drag never mentioned it. Dad thankfully didn't notice. He was super into some game on television, but he did make sure Steven came to the door and spoke, which he did.

Most girls would have been bummed but I was super excited when he took me to a burger joint. We pulled in at the Burger Inn and I was thrilled. I'd always had an appetite more like a man. I'd much rather have burgers and fries over some expensive food that I wasn't even sure what it was.

​"I guess I should've asked, is this ok? To be honest with you I'm new to the dating thing too. Well dating like this anyway. I'm not even sure if I've ever taken a girl out on a date before." He smiled sheepishly.

​I was confused. "Huh? I don't understand what you're saying? If you've never taken them on a date before what do you do with them?" He smirked as I realized. I decided to leave that conversation alone.

​The waitress is a beautiful, petite girl with curly brown hair and braces. As she takes Steven's order I notice he really emphasizes no mayo. We both order the basic cheeseburger, his with no mayo.

​"You really don't like mayonnaise do you?" I teased.

​He looked like he was going to vomit at the mention of the condiment. "No, I can't hardly stand to see it, let alone eat it." He was dead serious. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

​While we wait for our food we talk all about my life in my old town and Madison. We talked about my childhood, my grandparents. No matter how many times I attempted to turn the conversation to him he always seemed to turn it back to me, unless we were discussing his mom or Alex. He did seem to enjoy talking about them. I hoped one day I'd stop feeling nervous around him. I was too nervous to tell him personal things. Goodness knows I wanted someone to discuss my parents with. I'm not sure what it was with me but I was a very closed off person. I talked a lot but it was mostly mindless chatter.

​We talked more about the town, Mayberry, and its quirky ways. I found out Steven wasn't crazy about the town himself. He just laughed at the mention of all the tourists.

​"If anyone knew how egotistic this town was, I'm not sure that anyone would visit, but then it's like you have your good souls. There's the same old men always at QuickLunch, there's the little old lady at the pharmacy that's filled my prescriptions since I was a child. There is good people here." His eyes looked hopeful as he spoke.

​In the midst of our small talk the waitress brings our food which was delicious. They even had the crinkle fries which I loved.

​"Seems like I didn't make a bad decision with the burgers," he joked as I shoved food in my mouth. I tried to hide my blush. I made a mental note to eat more polite.

​"So we know your dad isn't thrilled about us dating, what about your mom? You've met my family, shouldn't I meet yours?" I tried to keep my expression unreadable.

​"Actually, I guess you would call my parents separated right now-after I had the car wreck, dad and me seen her with another man." I didn't go into great detail. I think he could tell it was a conversation I didn't want to have.

​"I'm really sorry, Whit. I know how bad a messed up family situation hurts. Trust me, I do." His eyes were full of concern.

​I shrugged to lighten the mood but I couldn't help but wonder what all he'd been through as well.

​The ride home we talked about music and he laughed at my deep love for Taylor Swift.

​"Ah, come on, you can't say you don't secretly like Taylor?" I laughed as I found a radio station playing "Hey Stephen". How ironic.

"Well, I've officially made it to a Taylor Swift song. I guess my life is complete." He grabbed my hand and didn't change the station.

​"I'm not sure about it making your life complete but you will be the first guy that's ever had a personally dedicated Taylor Swift song by me. Too bad the Stephen is spelled different so this can't be your Taylor Swift song." I laughed.

​"If a girl dedicates a Taylor Swift song to you, you know you're either doing something very right-or very wrong." I nodded at his statement.

​"Exactly." I leaned into his arm as we pulled down my driveway.

​"So what's my Taylor Swift song?" he whispered into my ear as he went to kiss me.

​His kisses always made me feel things I'd never felt before. He was exploring my mouth with his tongue within seconds, he ended the kiss with a light bite on my bottom lip. He smiled as he pulled away.

​He walked me to the door hand-in-hand and kissed me on my cheek before turning to leave.

​"I'll call you when I get home." I watched him leave.

​He never called. I became used to this with Steven. He never called when he said he would, I never understood why. He was waiting for me in the parking lot Monday where I usually parked. I never mentioned him not calling and he never apologized or mentioned it either. We always carried on per usual no matter how much of a flake he could be. The school days came and went and my feelings for Steven deepened greatly. Looking back, I guess it was just jitters of your first love but the way he made me feel I would never feel again.

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