Chapter nine

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A couple hours before the party I decided to pick Callie up at her house and bring her to my house to get ready-she had informed me Evelyn was having a few of her friends over and it would be best if we got ready at my place.

​Callie would be the first friend in Mayberry to be in my home. I was always weird about having friends over. I've always felt like my home is my space- a sort of sanctuary.

​My mom and dad both seemed to really like Callie, but neither of them much liked the idea of us going to a person's home they didn't know. I'd never really asked to go anywhere or stay out late before so the conversation about a curfew of any kind wasn't ever discussed.

​The party was nothing like you seen in the movies. It was a double wide trailer in the middle of a field. There was no pool in sight like in all the teenage comedies. There was however a small out building with a pool table, very much small town vibes.

​Callie and I both looked at each other-completely out of our element and decided to start our adventures for the night in this redneck looking oasis.

​The building had poor lighting, concreate floors and various Budwiser tin signs plastered all over the walls. Callie was recognized as soon as she entered by various fellow cheerleaders. No sign of Allison, however. Andrea was in attendance and quickly made a run to Callie and myself.

​"Hey, it's so good to see you, Andrea. Is Jody here too? I haven't seen either of you in a while." I tried to be friendly.

​Andrea smiled her normal perfect smile.

​"No, I couldn't get her to come, she doesn't like seeing Steven out with another girl-it still gets to her."

​My heart stopped. I felt like I was going to pass out right there.

​"Um, Whitney, honey...are you ok? You're really pale." Andrea and Callie looked concerned.

​I knew I had to play this off. I would look completely insane if they knew what was going through my head. Steven was here, with a girl? I assumed his girlfriend. I couldn't very well leave after making such a fit with Callie to come, but then I saw it. I saw Steven, actually the back of Steven, but I recognized the Clemson hat. He had it turned backwards, there was also a pair of feminine arms around him.

​Callie and Andrea followed my direction and they knew. I think in that moment everyone in the room knew. I don't know how, but they knew and that's when I knew too. When I saw him standing there with her I knew I was crazy about him.

​Steven turned around with his normal smirk on his face and his eyes met mine and the smirk faded. The girl stepped around him and I got my first look at this girl. She was tiny, she honestly reminded me of the Olsen twins on Full House. Even though she was the same age as me she was probably all of 5 foot even. She had natural blonde hair that was flat ironed pin straight. She had a friendly smile. She had such a child-like innocent look about her. She was cute- I hated to admit.

​Callie was always my saving grace, picking up on my uncomfortable state, she grabbed my hand.

​"We're going to go look for Allison, we'll be seeing yall."

​After not getting far out of the building but before making it to the double wide, I had to let it out. I never let my emotions out but tonight-tonight I was.

​"I really like him, Callie. I knew he had a girlfriend. I actually found out a few days ago but I never expected him to be here, especially not with her. To make it even worse, she's not totally awful looking either."

​Callie listened attentively. She even wiped the tears that began to fall off my face.

​"Listen, I know exactly how you feel. I should have told you a long time ago, but remember how I told you about my long time crush on Dan?"

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