Chapter twenty two

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I was nervous pulling into our driveway, thankfully it was a long gravel driveway so dad would see me pulling in and have time to prepare himself. I know I was acting silly about something as insignificant as marijuana but at that time in my life I had been conditioned every school year that it was a terrible thing. It had just shocked me to see it in my dads' possession. I think it shocked him, and Steven for that matter, that I would be stupid enough to bring it to school.

I walked into the house, dad hugged me and that was it. It was never mentioned again. I think he had an appreciation for what Steven did for me, but, he still would never be his first choice for my boyfriend.

Returning to school wasn't too terrible. Not many people seemed to even realize I had been associated with Stevens' arrest. English class, however, was a full blown gossip session with Monica, Bethany and Allison. Monica and Allison being whom they was knew everything about everyone and apparently Steven had been assigned to "alternative school" which was basically just a permanent in school suspension type thing, but it was in the same building as the school, just an isolated classroom. Steven would keep all his current classes and teachers but they would basically just send him the assignments to the alternative school instructor. He was still expected to contribute to our science project, that we still had not a clue what we were doing. I learned he wouldn't be allowed to extra curricular activities, including prom, which crushed me. Not that he had asked me anyway. He was also required to stay after school for an hour every day for detention. I was beginning to understand why he was hoping for expulsion.

It was bizarre having to hear all this explanation from Monica. It was like Steven and mines communication was at a zero. I couldn't help to think back to seeing his ex-girlfriend, Jennifer and wondering what their relationship was like.

I realized I probably wouldn't even be able to talk to Steven today with him in alternative school and detention and me with work at 4PM. I had two hours to kill before work, Callie was sick and Dan was still stiff acting so Monica and I made plans to hang out after school for a couple hours before I had to be at work.

Monica's house was beautiful, big and empty. Monica was an only child and lived with her father and whatever girlfriend of the month he happened to have move in with him. She said his relationships never lasted long.

"I should apologize to you for hounding you about Steven and your relationship all of the time. Sometimes, I tend to project my own problems onto others, it's a defense mechanism." She laughed.

Monica was a very put it all on the table, honest person.

"It's ok, honestly; sometimes it helps to talk about Steven. It helps me understand him...or us...myself. We never fight, ever. There's never been a harsh word spoken between us but it's like we're both afraid of the other or something. I don't know if it's because we're both so different from the other or what it is. It's bizarre. I always plan I'm going to have a certain conversation with him and it never goes that way."

My eyes scan Monica's face as she contemplates my words.

She smiles sympathetically. "I think maybe you and Steven are a sort of...puppy love; don't think I mean it's not real because it is. Your first love, your puppy love, is so special and sweet. I know everyone says it's not real love but it is, especially for you whose never had another boyfriend. It's love in the most deep way you know how at this time and it could always last and end up being your only love. You did say Steven was your first boyfriend, right?"

I blush. I hate that I do that all of the time.

"He's my first boyfriend, was my first kiss. I guess I just have some type of false reality created in my head that we're meant to be or something..."

She manages to smile. "That would be super romantic, your first kiss and your last with the same person."

We both laughed. Our laughter was cut short by screaming coming from downstairs. A man and a woman. There was sounds of glass breaking and profanity being yelled like I'd never heard in my life.

Before I could say anything, Monica grabs my arm and quickly guides me down the stairs and out of her house before we were noticed by the source of the screaming.

I'm out of breath and completely confused. Monica has tears in her eyes.

"I know you've got to be at work, I'll let you go. I'm so sorry. My dad just explodes like that all of the time. He's bi-polar and an alcoholic. Functioning but still an alcoholic none-the-less. I'm going to go to Bethany's for the night. She's always been my home away from home." She began to pull her keys from her pocket.

"We'll hang out for real, soon! Dad will be out of town next weekend and we can hopefully do that science project in one day." She winked as she climbed in the Acura.

I got into my car and watched her drive away before I cranked mine. The seats were scalding hot. I'd never get used to the heat in Mayberry. Pulling into work, Presley, the stock boy was outside on his phone. Hoping he wouldn't see me, I quietly walked by without success.

"Hey Whitney, I'm glad you're working today." He smiled a toothy grin but I couldn't help but think he was creepy. His teeth had some signs of yellowing. He had severe acne.

I smiled with my best attempt at a genuine smile. "Well, I have to pay my car payment somehow." And with that I made haste into the store to clock in. It was always so cold inside but I welcomed it as a relief from the heat outside. No sooner than I clocked in my phone was vibrating relentlessly in my pocket. Text message from Steven. My heart fluttered just by seeming his name on my phone.

Hey baby, if I come by the store, could you please sell me some cigarettes? If you think you can. I don't want to get you into trouble, just pretend to card me.

I immediately answer, sure, without even thinking. That's how it was with me and Steven always. I'd always do whatever he asked of me. No one would else would ever have that same effect on me for the rest of my life.

Before I seen Steven walk into the store, I knew he was there. I don't know how but I knew. Then I seen his ever prominent smirk from the corner of my eye coming into my line. I finished ringing up the elderly woman's groceries. She had bright blue eyes and a warming smile. "Thanks sweet girl".

"I'll take a pack of Marlboro Reds please," he was still smirking.

I didn't even bother to go through the motions of pretending to card him. It was an old store and didn't have cameras. As I went to unlock the cigarette cabinet I seen Steven out of the corner of my eye staring at me from behind. I smiled to myself. Steven paid for his purchase, all the while with a continuous smirk.

"Thanks sweet girl", he mimicked the previous elderly lady and with that he was gone. Always leaving me wondering when I'd see him again. Is this how a relationship works?

I watch him leave in his car not realizing I'm being watched myself.

"Oh good God, Presley! You almost made me come out of my skin." I grabbed my chest for dramatic effect.

He smiled cringe-worthy smile. "I'm sorry, I just like looking at you."

Weird, I thought to myself. I had no idea how to reply to such a statement.

"Oh...well, thank you. No one's ever told me that before I don't think so thanks." I tried not to sound completely weirded out. I really did think he was harmless.

"You're really very beautiful. You probably shouldn't be selling anyone cigarettes without carding though. Not trying to be an asshole, but I know they'll fire you." He looked at me genuinely concerned.

"That was my boyfriend. He was the only reason I did it." Perfect opportunity to make it known to him I'm seeing someone.

His face was downcast much like Dan's became with mention of Steven.

I had no idea why I continued to impress and attract other men besides Steven. My entire soul and brain thought of nothing but Steven.

"You've got bad taste in men." Presley stated calmly and walked towards the back of the store.

I could help but laugh to myself given the source that statement came from.

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