chapter twenty nine

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I saw Drew and Jody in my peripheral vision get up from the couch and follow us into Jonathan's kitchen. The kitchen followed the rest of the homes theme with brightly colored decor. I was riveted by the homes charm. It was small and chaotic with all of the colors and mis matched furniture but it felt peaceful somehow. Displayed mid kitchen was a tiny barstool table set for four. The kitchen also had a plastic, off white outdoor cookout like table set up adjacent to the actual table to make up for the lack of seats. Steven and I took a seat with Jonathan and my mom. Drew pulled Jody's seat out for her and they sat alone at the plastic table.

If Jonathan was nervous about meeting his lovers daughter he didn't show it. My mother, however, looked edgy. I noticed a slight shake in her hands as she poured everyone's drinks. Drew was ever nonchalant. I noticed he had his hand on Jody's knee. I also noticed Jody frequently looked over at Steven when she thought no one was looking. The pain on her face was quite obvious.

I looked to Steven as he was getting himself out spaghetti and he never looked her way.

"Whitney, I know you're new to Mayberry. How are you liking school so far?" What a small talk conversation for Jonathan to attempt. I couldn't stand small talk.

"It's just a school like any other." I lied. I hate this type of engagement; no one saying what they want to say instead covering up emotions with emotionless small talk. Steven smirked at my comment. He should understand the gesture, it was his trademark I thought to myself.

"Your mother has told me about your home, I know where that is. It's beautiful out that way." Awkward. Maybe he should stick to the small talk.

I had no idea how to reply. I'd brought Steven to try to be a buffer for this exact reason. He remained silent.

Drew spoke up, "Whitney is actually really good friends with Jody's brother, Dan. He's a really good guy." Steven did react to that, even though it was slight, I could see his jaw clench.

Jonathan smiled at his son. "Yes, I'm familiar with Dan Banks. He plays football with you right son?" Drew smiled and nodded.

Steven let out a sarcastic laugh. Mom and Jonathan looked to Steven.

"Sorry, sorry", Steven threw up his hand still slightly giggling. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at Steven until I seen Jody's face. I'm not sure if she was hurt or angry. Her face reminded me so much of Dans'.

Jody quietly got up and left the room. I heard the front door to the home shut. Jody was very graceful, I'll give her that. She was able to leave without making a huge scene. Steven didn't react, he just placed his hand on my upper thigh.

Drew quietly wiped his mouth, pulling the napkin from his lap to this face.

"Pardon me." Drew announced his exit. I assume he was going after Jody. Drew also had a certain amount of grace and elegance about him. Drew smiled a sympathetic smile in my direction before exiting the room. I'm still unsure if the sympathy was for the awkward dinner or for my relationship with Steven-there's no telling what Jody has told Drew regarding her previous relationship with Steven.

"Well, I did make desert if you'll have some guys?" Jonathan attempted to lighten the mood. He had the same smile as his son. I nodded appreciatively. Mom smiled. I think she was pleased I was behaving myself. I don't know why she or anyone else would expect different of me-that's what I was best at. Behaving.

Jonathan began pilfering in the refrigerator somewhat loudly. I looked over and noticed how haphazard their refrigerator was arranged.

"Whitney, are you ok, honey?" Mom looked genuinely concerned, which was honestly rare for her. She usually hid her emotions like I did.

"I'm as good as I can be, I guess. This was really very nice of you and him but it's a lot to process." I tried to smile a reassuring smile.

"I know. You've always had an understanding heart of gold. I've always admired that about you. You feel everything so very deeply, I only wish you could express the emotions you feel rather than hold them in as I do." She smiled. Steven shifted his weight uncomfortably. He was as closed off as I was with emotions. Why were we like this?

"Sorry about all the noise. Our refrigerator is packed full." Jonathan smiled triumphantly as he presented a strawberry trifle that looked delicious. I loved anything strawberry.

Jonathan served us all. Jonathan and my mom became lost in silliness. Feeding each other desert and laughing. I thought I'd be sick, that's too much. Too adolescent.

I was really enjoying my desert when I felt Steven's hand travel up my leg. I freeze. What is he doing? Surely not here. He wouldn't. He didn't go under my shorts but continued to travel up to the center over my white shorts. I look over at him and he's looking at his plate barely eating but pretending to for distraction sake. I had no idea what to do. Steven touching me at all sent me into another world but this with two people across the table from us was an entirely new experience. Steven continued to massage me. Steven's facial expression remained the same while I'm sure I looked beyond bothered.

I go to push Steven's hand away as he smirks. I can't believe he did that. I have to admit it was a little thrilling but I still can't believe he did it.

"Whitney, how's the desert? Jonathan is a good cook." She beams at him.

Before I could answer, Steven chimes in, "She loved every minute of it. I assure you." He teeth shined white as he grinned down at me. I'm sure my face was as red as Callie's hair.

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