Chapter four

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​I agreed to give Callie a ride home.

​"So, is he really bad news?" I knew Callie would be honest.

​"I don't know about bad news. He got arrested at school last year for possession of marijuana. He's dated a lot of girls and slept with a lot more according to rumor. Him and Evelyn had a fling last year but never dated or anything. I remember him sneaking in our window a lot but she never said he was mean to her or disrespectful. I don't think he's a bad guy. He drives a BMW and Evelyn says his house is huge, like you could get lost huge. He's never said anything out of the way to me, but he used to always give Dan a rough time, especially when him and Jody dated. They still don't see eye to eye. I've always thought he was cute though. I guess every girl secretly does. He's on my Facebook page." Callie and I both laughed.

​As soon as I got home, noticing mom wasn't home, I grabbed some quick microwave food from the kitchen, kissed dad goodnight and went to my room to find my laptop.

​As soon as I was able to make a Facebook account I quickly typed in Madison King. About a hundred girls popped up for me to choose from. I realized I had forgotten to enter her location. I found her. Seeing her face made me sad. She accepted my friend request promptly.

​I already had a message.

​Whitney!, Madison wrote....

​I hardly ever get on here. It's a miracle! How's Mayberry? Any cute boys, yet? How's your classes? Hopefully terrible so you can drop out and come live with me!

​I smiled. I missed her.

​This will be an easy way for us to keep in touch. I'm trying to talk Dad into getting me a cell phone soon. Maybe Christmas this year? Most people at my new school already have them, I'm noticing. I've met a couple of cute boys, but one of them my friend is also interested in so I don't think that'll work out. Lol. My classes aren't awful. Sorry. :)

​I minimized her window and began searching for Callie. Her page was dark, like her. Realizing I didn't know Andrea's last name I would have to search through Callie's friends to find her. Andrea Dishman. I also found Evelyn, Jody, Steven and most importantly, Dan. Madison's window was blinking like crazy and a new window appeared. Steven. I told Madison I'd get in touch with her soon. She was planning on a road trip to visit me soon.

​Hey new girl, listen, I'm sure Andrea's already told you some bad things about me, but I'm not a bad guy. In fact, my father knows your father. You should ask about me and I think you should let me take you out Friday night.

​Hey Quick Lunch boy, Andrea didn't say anything about you. The thought that you were a bad guy never crossed my mind. In fact, I will ask my dad about you. And about Friday night, I can't. I already said I would go to TeenageLove after the game and I'll probably go to the game to watch Callie and Andrea cheer.

​I'd lied about Andrea but it was only to spare his feelings.

​Do you have anyone to sit with during the game? I'd be obliged to sit with you and I'm a member of TeenageLove myself so I'll see you there?

​Ok was the only reply I could come back with. I wasn't sure about Steven. He was definitely good looking and now that he mentioned it, I wouldn't have anyone to sit with anyway. Callie cheered and Dan played football.

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