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I had just got done finding out that the guy that I liked and was seeing was dating another girl while being with me and now they are engaged. which is fucked up. not to mention I never in my wildest dreams thought that this guy would ever do such a thing.

I pulled up to my parents garage and parked by my moms car and climbed out and headed towards the garage office where I sat on the couch while mom was talking on the phone with someone and dad was probably in the club house or handling club matter.

"Whats up baby?" mom asked

"you know how I was seeing Opie and think things was going good?" I asked

"yea. what about it?" she asked

"turns out. while he was "seeing" me he was dating Donna and now they are engaged to be married" I replied

"thats fucked up" she says

"my words to him exactly." I replied

"so now what?" she asked

"now I will probably either focus on my job and not care about men or get drunk have a one night stand and go from there" I anwsered

she smiled while shaking her head.

"Just be careful with you you have that one night stand with." she says

"always am momma" I tell her before I get up kiss her cheek and walked out the door right as my dad, brother, and some of the others came back.

I waved to them as I headed into the clubhouse. asked Kip for a beer and sat there watching the guys walk in and head for the church.

it wasn't long til they all came back out and my little brother walked over to me.

"are you ok?" he asked

"well I feel used honestly. I mean the shit that was pulled on me is fucked up and I'm sure you know all of what happened. so no need for details" I replied

"Yea I do as does dad which he all but beat Opie's ass over it" Jax replied as he sat by me 

"I never though that Opie would do that to anyone much less me the person who I though he cared about but seemed to only be playing." I tell him 

He says nothing just sits there for a while watching me drink the beer.

"what's your plan?" he asked

 I told him just what I told mom.

"you be careful with that" dad says

"I will like always don't worry," I tell him

 He kisses the top of my head and pulls me into a side hug. 

"your my baby girl and I always will worry about you," he says

"I know" I replied before kissing his cheek and giving him a hug.

After dad walked off Jax and I got to talking a bit more till mom pulled me away to go shopping with her since it's Friday night. which is SAMCROS party night.

Once we bought all that was needed I headed home and got changed into something suited for the party.

When I got back I could see the party was in full swing.

"Yea your baby daughter alright" Mom says

I laughed as I wrapped my arms around her waist and we walked inside the clubhouse.

"Forget what happened and just have fun," she says then kissed my temple and walked off.

I headed over towards the couch and watched some of the guys play.

"want in?" Tigs asked

"Na... I'll just watch" I replied

"well your distracting me" he says

"I'm not don't nothing Tiger but sitting here" I replied

"You're wearing a lace sheer low cut top with your big bust on display. and your in a leather skirt. its my living wet dream Chassy" he says

"my breasts aren't showing I have my nipples covered." I stated

Which is true I had a lace sheer top that had the nipples covered so you couldn't see them.

"and if im such a distraction why are you looking my way?" I asked

"I'm a man who is loving the view a beautiful woman is showing him" he says

"Well trigger if you a good boy I'll play with you all night long" I promised

"swear?" he asked

"I swear" I tell him

He smirked then went back to his game while I sat back and enjoyed it.

"care for a drink?" 

I looked up at my brother and smiled.

"sure" I say

 he hands me a bottle and smiles.

"go easy on him tonight," Jax says

"Hunny when I'm done with Tigger he will be addicted" I replied

Jax laughed before walking off while Tig looked at me. 

I just smiled and Winked as I took a drink.

The night played out just how I liked it. 

Tig finished up his game joined me on the couch and we started making out before I lead him off somewhere less crowded and pushed him against the wall and really started to heat things up.

After we made out in the hallway we headed to the apartment I sometimes frequent and we had hot wild sex. the kink that like I told Jax had Tigger addicted cause after one round he craved and sought after more. which is just how we spent the rest of our night and early morning.

Little did I know that this night was gonna start a whole new journey for me.

A/N: not sure how long the story will be. I'm just going with the flow of ideas I get.

there could be possible slow updates. 

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now