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He  sat down and looked at me. I looked at him and smile.

"when he's done you wanna hold him?" I asked

"yea"He says before starting to smile

I grinned before I slowly moved Kayden from my breast and burped him as I fixed the hospital gown then motioned for Tig to stand up and come closer.

"Here you go pops" I say

 he chuckled before carefully taking Kayden then sitting back down.

I I reached for the camera mom had used and I snapped a few shots of Tig with his son.

"What did you name him?" he asked

I put the camera back and laid back down to take it easy.

"Kayden Ajax Tragger" I tell him

He looks at me a bit shocked.

"why not Lowman?" he asked

"Despite me being married to Happy and everything you and I talked about regarding Kayden. I wanted him to have your last name. after all, he's got your DNA as well as mine running through his little body. and I knew how much having a son would mean to you regardless of you feeling unworthy of being his father." I tell him

"thank you" he says

"no problem" I say

After a few moments, some of the others start piling in and Tig hands Kayden over to mom before he leans over and carefully hugs me and thanks me again before he heads out.

"what was that about?" Dad asked

"I told him his son's name" I replied

"which is?"Jax asked

"Kayden Ajax Tragger" I replied

"that's a great thing you done there," dad says

"I know how much having a son means to you guys it's like a tradition or a desire to have a son so they can follow in your path and become a son when they get older." I tell him

"why Ajax?" Jax asked

"really bubb?" I asked

He nodded before thinking about it then had the whole duff moment and oh ok face.

"get it now?" I asked

"Yep" he says

After mom and dad hold him they kiss my temple telling me how beautiful Kayden is then kissed me goodnight before leaving.

after they all get the opportunity to hold Kayden Jax lays him in the cot the nurse brought in before Tig walked out.

"not to be on any sides or anything. but the whole thing with happy last night was not him cheating. he misplaced his phone and while he searched the apartment he was staying in the pornstar that was there had heard it ringing and answered it. she some how knew whos phone it was. " Jax says before he walked out

I laid there and closed my eyes briefly before hearing a soft knock.

I looked and seen Happy.

"come in Happy" I tell him

"I'm so sorry for everything that has happened" he says before making his way over and carefully crawling in the ed with me and holding me to him and burying his face in my neck.

"why didn't you say anything before now?" I asked

"I wanted to let you have some space so it didn't seem like I was hounding you or anything" he says

"wanna fully talk about it?" I asked

he lifted his head and I wiped the tears from his eyes.

"tell me why you jumped my ass for beating that skank when she touched you nd you done nothing?" I asked

"I didn't want the possible chance of Kayden being hurt if she was to hit you. as for me not doing anything I gotten so used to the ol' ladies handling croweaters and Pornstars that I waited for you to do it." he says

I looked at him and say nothing.

"I didn't want to fight and hurt your feelings to the point Jax came out and beat the chucking shit out of me. I am sorry for that. I'm sorry you felt that what I promised in my vows was lies and that I'd be like the guy before me and Opie." he says

I knew mom had talked with him telling him everything that I had said to her. so him knowing how I felt and what was said while in the department was no suprise.

"Will this ever happen again?" I asked

"no. but Icant promise that I won't get overly protect when your carrying my son or daughter." he says

"I will take that" he says

"good then can I please move back home and be with you and kayden?" he asked

"of course" I tell him

He smiles...

"only if you tell me why a pornstar named tiffany had your phone" I tell him

"I had missed placed it when I was handling some club matter at the clubhouse. I told the guys what my certain ring tone for you was so if you was to ever cal land they hear it then they know its my phone. I guess while I was searching the apartment in the clubhouse she heard the ringtone I mentioned and nwsred it instead of giving it to one of the guys" he says

I nodded my head.

"good thing your story is similar to my brothers. only he said he wants sure how she knew it was your phone" I say

"she has just walked into the club house when I meanted the ringtone" he says

"than kyou for telling me" I say

"I'd never cheat on you. I don't want any other woman. I love you and want to be with you, heart,body, mind and soul." he says

"and I want to be with you in the same way. but that fight we had made me feel like I did when I was "seeing" Opie and the asswipe ex of mine." I tell him

"I cant tell you how much I regret that and how I hate that I made you feel that way. I can only promise to never make you feel like that again." he says

I nodded my head and carefully leaned up to kiss him before he laid his head back on my shoulder.

"tig like the surprise?" he asked

"he did after asking why." I answered

"he deserves it" Happy says

"It's practically what I had told him." I tell Happy.

"the nurse came out wanting to know who his father was and Tig pointed to me so its my name on Kayden's birth certificate." Happy tells me

"I'm fine with it" I tell him

He lifted up and kissed me one last time befe  he laid there beside me as we watched Kayden before we drifted off to sleep.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now