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As the guys waited for the others that wanted to be patched over to arrive. Mom and I were making sure that everything for the party later was here and ready to go. we headed to the bigger part of the clubhouse away from the pool table and started setting it all up.

When more sounds of Harleys could be heard we knew that the rest of the potential patch over guys was here and that short the vote will take place and we will know who is patched Samcro.

"you nervous?" mom asked

"A bit. cause I really want Happy to be Patched Samcro. but not cause he climbed me as his ol lady but based on what he has done for not only dad's club but Lee's as well" I replied

"You know your dad will take both things into consideration and his vote will be solely on what Happy can do for the club. as well as what will happen if Happy gets patched" mom says

before anything else could be said we heard a whole bunch of commotion so we headed over to see what was happening and watched Tig and Kozik fighting.

Juice was moving things out the way while the others stood there and watched. the newly patched prospect, I think his name is Phil went to intervene when Jax stopped him. Opie was sitting there smiling and eating Cashews.

"Going on a limb and saying Tig said no and Kozik is having his form of payback if not healing," I say

"go figure," mom says

We both stood there out of the way shaking our heads as the guys cheered and egged it on.

After the fighting was over and Chibs patched them up. Mom and I went back to finish up the setup before I felt arms around my waist.

"I patched."

I turned and wrapped my arms around Happy's neck and kissed him before jumping up in his arms.

"hey do that after you help set up," mom says

"Please have a prospect do it." I pleaded

She stood straight and brushed some hair from her eyes.

"fine. but you both better be here when the party gets underway" she says

"we will" I tell her

 she shakes her head and calls for the prospects while Happy carries me off.

Between kissing and caressing each other we were stripping down before crawling into the bed. I laid there as he started rubbing my pussy.

"Oh yes! happy" I moaned

He kissed down my neck to my breast kissing and sucking love bites on them before moving further down the bed. He surprised me when he kissed my stomach before moving down and licking my pussy. 

I quickly got over my surprise and started moaning when he slipped two fingers inside of me as he suckled on my clit.

I reached down the best I could and held him to me.

"Dont stop Papi" I moaned

 but he did the exact opposite of what I said. He pulled back removed his finger and slipped right inside of me.

I grabbed his fingers and sucked them clean before pulling him down to me and started kissing him as he took his time making love to me.

 when I couldn't take it anymore I flipped us over braced myself on his chest, slipped him back inside, and started bouncing on him holding true to my promise of what I'd do if he patched Samcro tonight.

After all, was said and done we laid side by side. him still slowly moving inside of me as we talked.

"Despite this baby being Tig's and not mine. I will love them no different than I would them being my blood," he tells me

I turned my head and looked at him kissing him softly before I moaned as we both climaxed.

"that's all I ask that you do," I tell him

"I ask that when they are born they have part of my last name unless it's fine with you and Tig that they fully are a Lowman," he says

"I'd love nothing more. and besides Tig and I talked after I told him I was carrying his child and I told him if I ever meet a man who wants to really truly be with me and knowing I'm pregnant then finds out who the father is and still doesn't care then I'd want them to be a part of the baby's life. which he told me that since he's too fucked up to be a dad that he'd appreciate it if we put his last name as the baby's and take the role. that he appreciated me allowing him to see them and be a part of their life. he just doesn't want to be a fuck up with them and wants them to know a dad that's not disturbed as much as he is." I tell Happy

"well then it's up to you now if my last name will be your baby's" Happy says

I take his hand and place it on my stomach.

"despite them not being your's this baby in here is a Lowman," I tell him

 He smiled before He laid me down and made sweet love to me. 

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now