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He turned back and went to punch me when I grabbed his wrist twisted I and punched him right in the face. before I fisted his hair and took the wrist I had and broke it making him scream out.

"come on mother fucker you wanted to fight well lets fucking fight" I say stepping back and waiting from him to get up.

the two of us were in an all out fistfight. and no one dared to step in to stop us.

it had so much anger and built up aggression reasled durinign it so it was something that like mom said needed to be done.

I kicked him in the back of his knee taking him down before I breaking his hand  stomping on it then while he was down I stepped on his throat.

"No you will listen to me you ungrateful fuck. the moment your little cockwarming trash came back you've changed as I've said before. ou've been fucking disrepectful to me and traeaing me like shit and this is the fucking last time I am gonna allow you to do it. so take this motherfucking ass whooping you just got as a message to either fucking get your shit together and stop being a fuck head piece of shit to me. or fucking suffer" I warned

I removed my foot and walked off but Tara decide she wanted her ass whooped to so I beat the fucking hell out off her. and knocked her the fuck out when I bashed her head against the bar.

"alright get Jax and Tara up and take them to the hospital to be checked out. when they asked what happen tell  them. we found Tara like that so we don't know what happened. and Jax got into a fight" Dad says

So Opie and Bobby pick up Jax while Phill and Juice grab Tara and they all leave.

Chibs walked over to where I was sitting at the bar with my eyes closed.

"yes?" I asked

"just wanna check you over Lassie" he says

"go for it" I replied keeping my eyes closed while I had my head resting against the wall since I was on the side of the bar leaning against the wall.

"I knew it would eventually happen" mom says

I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"it's happened before but not that bad" dad says 

"well all this shit between Jackson and I leading up to this all out fist fight is due to Tara. she's pulling the strings and puppet Jackson is doing what she commands." I replied

"it's bullshit," mom says

"it's a waste of time trying to get it through your son's head that he can do better and he needs to fucking drop her cockwarming ass. and to stop holding her higher than his blood and his brothers. those who were there for him from day one and those who've had his back since he could walk." I say

"Are you ok?" Mom asked

"I don't have a brother anymore. that little boy that Opie and Bobby carried it is nothing to me. he wanted to have Tara and treat me like shit well he can fucking kiss my ass and shove her so far up his ass that every time he talks you see her ugly mug." 

"I want to know with the cuts and shit you have and Chibs cleaning it with alcohol how are you not winching and shit? " Tig asked

"Nothing and I mean nothing is as painful as birthing a kid." I replied

He says nothing more as Chibs finish up.

"you'll have to go see if there is further damage," Chibs says

"thank you for tending to what you could" I tell him before I carefully get off the stool.

Happy walked up and lifted me up in his arms and carried me out.

"you take care of our girl" dad says

"I will I promise" Happy replied as he left with me.

When the doctors asked what Happened I told them as well as the cops that came there since the nurse called it in. that I was out of town in a bar fight.

After they stopped asking questions and all other shit they finally ran tests and everything to see what if anything was broken.

It was nightfall by the time Happy and I left.

I had some sore tender damage but nothing was broken or server which I cant say the same for the other two shit bags.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now