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Sine shattering Tara's nose Jax hasn't spoken a word to me. Has been avoiding me. & he's completely shut me out.

Mom and Dad don't like how things between us are going but they aren't getting involved yet. they are waiting to see what will happen before they take matters into their own hands.

I had finished up with work and called Maxie to see if she was free to watch kayden. 

When she showed up I thanked her before I kissed Kayden bye and left heading for the lot. I stopped to pick up some grub for everyone before I fully headed over. 

Upon arrival I noticed Jax's bike gone. so I climbed out and grabbed the bags before heading for the picnic talbes.

I sat it all down before asking the prospect to grab some beers and water then aI whistled loudly.

"LUNCH TIME" I yelled

 The sounds in the garage stopped and everyone walked out coming over. and those in the club house walked out.

I greet my mom and Dad before greeting my hubby.

"everyone practically has the same," I tell them

 "thank you" they say before grabbing the styrofoam container with their food and sitting down.

 I kept Jax's in the bag and by me waiting for him to come back from where ever he is.

"Went to get Tara" Mom says

I looked at her and sighed.

"This will be the last time I will try to talk to him. he ignores me then he can go fuck himself. I'm tired of his childish bullshit cause of Tara telling him what to do and who to talk to. she's fucking changed him and I'm just waiting for a fuck up that she will surely do so I can lay hands on her"I say

"we all noticed it, baby. and we are all pissed off as well. we know how your twos bond is and you've got the right to be upset with him. he's treating you like shit and not how he was raised to treat women or how was before she came back" dad says 

As the others nod their heads. I finished up my food and tossed the trash as the sound of a Harley came rolling into the lot.

I stood by the bag that had Jackson's food and waited.

When Jax and Tara walked up holding hands Tara seen me and rolled her eyes.

"why is she here?" she asked

No one answered her.

"Hi Jax. how are you and Abel?" I asked

He ignores me.

so I keep talking.

"When can I see him?" I asked

"never," Tara says

I fight the urge to pop her one. 

"I found the box you were looking for," I tell him

 still ignoring me and not looking at me Jax walks off inside with Tara. & I fucking Rage.

I fucking lose my shit taking my anger out on the damn trash can and fucking scream before I start to shake as I slowly start cooling off.

I walked over to my mom and dad. 

"He and I are blood and I love him. but his days with me are coming. and if we fight then be ready for a damn war to happen between us" I warned before I walked off, getting in my car and leaving.

I was done with his bulshit. now I'm waiting for his full fuck up before a Teller sibling war hits charming.

After paying and thanking Maxie for watching Kayden I hold him close to me and just calm down with him in my arms. 

I love him more than anything in this world and he's one of the few who can calm me down. yes he's an infant but him being my son makes all the difference.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now