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For quite a while now I've felt like something was gonna happen and nothing good. I told happy, mom,and dad. 

dad said that there is not much club matter happening due to ATF being in town. while mom told me try and figure out what it could be.

 which I asked if everyone was safe and protect and she told me as far as she knew they were.

Happy wanted me to keep him informed if the feeling intensifed or not. its like someone will occur either today or a couple days from now. 

Which he told the guys, as well as dad and they, said they keep watch just in case something did happen.

 and I'll be damned if it didnt.

WHile Maxie was watching Kayden for me I headed to the Marina and watched some of the boats. 

when I heard a bunch of yelling I turned and watched a guy come runing right at me with a baby in his arms while the sons was chasing him.

I pulled my gun and pointed it right at him.

"hand me the baby and you might live Cameron" I tell him

"drop the gun or he gets tossed" he says

I do like what he says and when he comes to bypass me I grabbed Abel and punch Cameron in the face before grabbing my gun and pointing it at him.

"you move I will give your ass a fucking third eye." I warned

Happy got to me first along with Tig and Chibs.

I put the safety back on and checked over  Abel who was crying.

"it's ok buddy. your safe... I've got you" I tell him as I walked off a little way and hummed to him before I held him close.

"can I have my son back please?" Jax asked

"once you fucking end that mother fucker" I tell him

"we will baby girl don't worry," dad says

"do you have a proper ride for him?" I asked jax

"We got the van" Jax replied

I looked at him.

"your not stupid Jackson you know he needs a car seat not to be held in the back of the van where his kidnapper is gonna be," I say

 he sighs.

"fine then please go to the lot" he says

"fine" I say before walking off with Abel.

When I get to the lot I climbed out and get Abel out and carry him towards the clubhouse went, Tara rushes over to me and goes to grab him.

I move the car seat back from her reach.

"back the fuck up you piece of shit. you touch my nephew while I have him and I will fucking beat your ass" I tell her 

"He's my son," she says

"I don't give a fuck what that paper states. you touch this car seat and I will hit you" I tell her before I walked past her and head fully inside.

I take Abel out and hold him while mom comes over and talks about what happened.

"I prevented something the person he was in their care should had done,. but they could save their self mich these a baby." Ireplied no caring about Tara's whinny ass.

"Hey he pointed a gun at me" she says

"walk the fuck away or get beaten" I warned

"wait till Jax gets here" she says

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now