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Since I fought my brother and I told my parents that I disowned him and no longer had a brother. so much has happened.

One is I got pregnant with mine and Happy's twins. a boy named Thomas John Lowman and a girl named Mariana Gemma Lowman.

Kayden enjoys being a big brother to his brothers and sister. 

When things got bad that Abel started harming himself I filed for full custody and the courts granted it to me. they see everything that happened and they found out what was the court saw they gave me and Happy custody of him.

My little family is one that I couldn't ask for any better. I love my kids, & husband and I'd never change them for anything in this world.

Falling in love with Happy after everything that happened to me I was honestly scared but the more that he showed me he is there for me to be with me and love me. its the more I quiet being scared to love and fully give my heart to him knowing its protected.

Yes, we have quarls and such. no, he's never lad his hands on me during a fight or to harm me.

Every day that I wake up and get to be with my family is a day that I always cherish. 


A/N: The End.

Hope you all enjoyed it. 

A BIG thank you for taking the time to read it.

thank you for the votes on it as well.

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