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I watched them all three look in the bag before looking back at me.

"my news is in those bags" I tell them

so mom being the one to lead sat the bag on the desk and reached inside pulling her shirt out while dad and Jax done the same.

"Great moms get promoted to grandma" she reads

she dropped the shirt on the desk while Jax and dad look at me.

"go on" I tell them

"The best grandpas have tattoos and ride motorcycles" dad read his shirt

"now you Jax" I say

"I'm a biker uncle born to ride" he reads

"now get the other part of the gift," I tell them

They reached back inside to grab the ultrasound pictures.

"Oh baby." mom says tearfully

I smiled as I watched her dad and Jax.

"your making me a grandpa?" dad asked

"of course" I replied

"This is amazing sis. I'm happy for you" Jax says as he walked over and hugs me.

"thank you." I replied

he dropped his arms and looks at the picture again while mom walks over and hugs me while crying.

"My baby girl is having a baby" she says

"awe. mom its ok" I tell her as I rubbed her back

"I'm proud for keeping your baby when you found out about them and I know you'll be like your mom one hell of a mother," dad says as he walked over and hugged me as my walked off to wipe her eyes.

"thank you dad" I replied hugging him back.

Little did we know that someone was standing by the garage door and heard it all then went to nark.

"lets go share the news" Jax says

"I'm gonna tell you like I will Tig. I'm letting him know they are his and he can be in their lives. I'm not forcing him to be with me due to them or asking him to marry me to be a part of their lives. I know how Tig is and I know how I am. so I will let him be able to know this baby of his so he can be part of one of his kid's lives." I tell them

"Cause your not a cold hearted bitch to keep this a secret." dad says

"I'm just a cold hearted bitch when needing to be," I say

We left the office and they put their gifts in Mom's car before we all headed inside.

We could hear a slight commotion which was odd so we all went to see what was causing it.

"When were you gonna tell me?" Opie asked

"What am I to tell you" I asked as I walked further into the clubhouse

"that your pregnant with my child" he says

"who the fuck said that?" I asked

"doesn't matter" he says

"oh no it does matter cause I'm gonna fucking shot the nosy shit" I replied 

I looked past Opie and watched Juice gulp as he went pale.

"Juan you nosy mother fucker" I say grabbing my Glock and pointing it at him.

"woah..." Opie says moving out of the way.

"What the fuck did you tell him?" I asked taking the safety off.

"I told him what I heard" Juice said

"which was?" I asked

"that you are pregnant, and your are gonna tell the father." he says

"and that gave you the damn right to come running in here and telling Opie?" I asked

"he has a right to know" Juice says

"he had no par take in the creation of my baby." I replied before I shot Juice in the shoulder.

He falls back and I put my safety back on before tucking my gun back in the waist band of nmy pants.

"Now you nosy fucker. you have something to cry about to anyone who wasn't here. and be sure you tell them why I fucking shot your damn ass." I tell him

"Kip take Juice to the hospital. and Juan don't utter a word of what actually happened" dad orders

Once Juice and Kip leave I looked back at Opie.

"Its like I told Juan. you had no par take in my baby's creation. you fucked up when you used me while dating Donna. so get the fuck out of my face or I'll fucking break your damn nse for all the fucking shit you put me through" I tell him

He holds up his hands and moves away from me.

"So you are pregnant?" Chibs asked

"Yes Chibs I am." I replied

"How far?" Bobby asked

"nine weeks" I replied looking right at Tig

"Holy fuck... you mean..." Tig stammered over his words

"yea Alex I'm pregnant with your baby" I replied

"Shit," he says sinking down into the chair nearby.

" I'm letting you know they are yours, and that you can be in their lives. I'm not forcing you to be with me due to them or asking you to marry me to be a part of their lives. I know how  You are Alex. I know how I am. so I will let you be able to know this baby of yours so you can be part of one of your child's lives." I tell him

He sits there not saying a word just takes it all in.

"When was you gonna tell me?" he asked

"I found out a few days ago and wanted to wait to see how they are before announcing I'm pregnant. I had gone to the obgyn to see how things were going and that's when I found out how far along I was and I knew from the moment she told me how far I was that you are my baby's father. that being said I thought about how I was gonna go about sharing the news with you, mom, dad,& Jax. and I knew I'd deal with someone being nosy. so here I am and the news is out" I say

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now