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Despite everything that had occurred since Happy and I made love that wonderful night and I knew he'd have to go back to Washington. I fell madly in love with him.

And I didn't care who knew it or the shit they said. but if they talked shit then I'd handle them.

 I was sitting beside my brother on the roof in our spot as we talked about different things.

"you think you and Happy will be something?" he asked

"One can only hope. but I did warn him if he made love to me then fucked other women then he'd go from Happy to Happiness cause I'd castrate him that I am tired of guys using me and making me feel like shit. that from now on whoever is willing to be with me then I'd handle the situation different then what I had before." I tell Jax

"and he went through with making love to you knowing that?" he asked

"Yep." I replied

"Well, then I'd say you got yourself a good man then. I doubt Happy would ever cheat on you." Jax says

"I truly hope not cause I for one enjoyed his dick inside of me if felt incredible," I say

 "ugh...didn't need to know that," Jax says making a disgusted face

I laughed and pecked his cheek.

"I'm not giving details little brother," I tell him

"thank you. I didn't need to look at a possible future charming brother different with those details replying in my brain," he says wrapping his arm around me.

I chuckled and hugged him before we heard mom calling for us.

Once we were back on the ground we want to see what mom wanted.

"Jax Wendy called saying she needs to talk with you about something involving her pregnancy with your two's kid," mom says

Jax nodded and gave mom and me a peck on the cheek before leaving to go talk with Wendy.

"thinks she's back to shooting up?" mom asked

"if she knows what's good for her. she will be sober for the nine months or so that she is carrying my brother's kid," I replied

"that would be one fight apart from another ass whopping for Tara. I'd love to see it. but after you have my grandbaby here" mom says rubbing my belly.

"Oh, I can wait to beat her ass after I have my baby. and if Tara comes back and tries shit. well, let's just say this big sitter will lay into her fucking runaway ass she will be begging me to stop" I tell mom.

She says nothing just wraps her around my shoulder and walks towards the office with me.

"that's my girl" she finally says

"I won't let anyone treat my brother like tara had and get away with it. no will I allow some drugged up croweatting whore to harm my niece or nephew and think they will walk away unharmed."I say

"I know and he's the same way which is why he went and kicked not only Opie's ass but that asswipe of an ex you had," mom says

"Its the teller blood in us that has us defended our loved one's blood or not," I say

"that it is baby," she says

We sat there talking a bit more before I told her goodbye and headed home to clean up and get ready for work the next day.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now