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Since Happy and I have been trying for a baby. I've decided plenty of time to not only keep trying for a baby but also to spend time with him and Kayden.

My brother and his runaway cock warmer is far from my mind. my main focus is my hubby and son. 

I decided today to take Kayden over to the lot to see if Tig would like to spend time with his son or not. If not I'll take Kayden out and have mommy and son day.

I had gotten Kayden dressed in a cute little biker onesie with little black sweats and paired it with converses.

When I purchased the onesie I knew everyone would like it. and that my mom and dad would agree as well as the others with what it says.

After I got Kayden fastened into the car seat, I closed the door and headed around to the driver's side, and climbed in.

I looked through my rearview at the mirror on the seat to make sure Kayden was o before I left the driveway and headed towards Teller Garage.

Pulling into the lot I didn't see moms car r half the guy's bikes so I figured they was handling club matter while mom was probably with Abel or getting lunch.

So I parked next to where mom generally does and climbed.

 I carried Kayden across the lot towards the clubhouse and walked in.

"Hi lassie" Chibs greets walking over and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Chibbzy" I greeted

 he samiled as I sat the car seat on the table.

"wanna holdKayden?" I asked

"course" he says

 After lowering the careseat handle I carefully unfastened it the belt before getting him out and handing him over.

"what does his onesie say?" dad asked walking over and looking at his grandson's onesie.

"Born to be a biker" he read aloud then smiles

" its only fitting. I mean his dad is one, his step dad is one, hell his whole family of dudes is one" I replied

" I love it" dad says as he greets me with a hug and kiss

"Figured you would" I replied

CHibs walks off with Kayden while I sit with dad and we just talk till mom shows up.

"alright Chibs hand me my grandbaby," she says

"I just got him" Chibs says

"Well now I'm getting him," she says before taking Kayden from Chibs 

"I'll give him back later if John doesn't need you to do something. or your not buried in raunchy pussy" she says

Chibs nodded his head then walked off while mom looked at Kayden's onesie and started smiling.

" so adorable," she says

I nodded my head before walking over to greet her with a hug and peck on the cheek.

 After a while, Chibs comes back and mom hands Kayden back then she went to go back to the garage and take over so that Chucky can take his lunch. 

the others came back and some greeted me while one avoided me which we all know who that one is. but I could careless about his sorry ass.

I knew it was getting close to Kayden's feeding time so I grabbed a bottle of reastmilk and walked over to Tig.

"here its about time for him to eat" I say

 he looks at me.

"want assistance?" I asked

"no. just need him planed in my arms and I can handle him from there" he says

I place the burp rag over his shoulder as Chibs lays Kayden in Tig's arms.

"so when you burp him it doesn't spew on your Kutt" I tell him

"thank you" he says before feeding Kayden

"he in hearts a lot from you" I tell him

"like what?" he asked looking from Kayden to me.

"those mess of curls on his head, the blue eyes,and sometimes he put up a fight over the littlest things just to keep me on my toes like you" I replied 

Tig looked back at Kayden and smiled.

"thank you for letting me be a part of his life" he says

"I'm not a heartless bitch despite what some may claim. & you deserve to at least know one of your kids." I tell him

He agreed with me before fully focusing back On Kayden.

 I went over to the diaper bag and rummaged around before I stepped into the kitchen for a bit and ordered a lot of pizza.

"Alright, I hope you all are hungry cause I just ordered about ten pizzas. so if you're not now you hopefully will be when they arrive" I tell them

"thank you babygirl," dad says

"welcome. can't let my favorite bikers starve" I say when Jax wasn't around.

"including Jax?" some new prospect asked

I cut him a look and he looked away before apologizing.

By the time the pizza got there tig had put Kayden down for a nap in the portable bassinet I had and placed it between him and me at the picnic table while happy was on the other side.

I whistled and called for everyone to wash up and come eat while Kip, Phil, and the other prospects grabbed drinks.

We sat there talking and cutting up like nothing ever happened which was nice for a change but I knew that it wasn't gonna last long.

After we stayed a bit longer I told everyone bye before kissing Kayden bye since mom and dad wanted him for a few nights. and I headed home to get cleaned up and maybe do some work around the house as I waited for Happy to come home.

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