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Since beating Wendy half to death a lot has happened. 

Sadly my brother got back with Tara after killing her ATF stalker.

ATF is sniffing around the club trying to get something to nail the guys with. 

I've beat Tara's ass countless times. 

Abel got to come home which was a huge day since we held a welcome home party courtesy of mom and me.

Donna died, we held her service and Tara was being a disrespectful fuck head. While my brother was paying his respects for Donna and was there as support for Opie.

Opie took off leaving his kids with his mom. came back got with a pornstar who thought it be wise to run her mouth on me thinking I'd not say anything or do anything. but after she got her ass whooped by me she learned not to try shit with me again.

I no longer work as a secretary for Lowen.  work from home as an online assistant working my own hours.

Opie came back and is taking care of his kids.

the guys got locked up for a few months over some bullshit Sthal the fucking pain in our ass ATF person put on them.

The guys got to come home and mom is gonna have a family dinner.

 Which is where we are now.

I was helping both mom and Lu while Netta & Moxie was watching Kayden and Abel.

I just finished helping Lou set the table when I heard Tara who came in looking upset. in the kitchen talking with mom.

When she walks off mom follows and I could still hear what was said.

 Tara was burrying her ass with how she was speaking with my mother.

"the club is its own. this and my life is mine. so butt out" she says

 I walked up getting in her face.

"wanna fucking keep talking to my mother like that?" I asked

"she's interfering with my job" Tara says

"no she's doing the job of the queen of the sons. protecting those who are important to the sons. and sadly your important to Jackson" I replied

"she had no right threatening my boss," Tara says

"and you have no fucking right coming in my parent's home and talking to my mother in such a way. you fucking do it again and I will mop the motherfucking floor with your sorry ass." I warned

"I'm not scared of you," she says

"cause you are stupid," mom says

 Tara looks at her with a scroll.

"You fucking pushed and pushed with my brother till he fucking rescued your sorry ass. now that you are with him fucking deal with what comes with being with a son." I tell her

Lyla comes in with Kenny and Ellie 

"hey" Lyla greets

"serving blow jobs for desert now" Tara comments before walking off 

Lyla gets upset practically slams her dish she brought down on the table then walks off. while Kenny and Ellie sit there not saying a word.

"you two ok?" I asked Kenny and Ellie

"yea." they say

 "Want something to drink?" I asked

"please" they replied

 mom went to get them something to drink as the guys showed up.

I smiled and greeted Happy while Tara went to Jax crying about what happened.

"Really Opal?" he asks

I pulled back and looked at my brother.

"what is she winning about now?" I asked

"you threatened her," he says

"Oh my god. are you serious?" I asked

"why?" he asked ignored what I said.

"I don't answer to you, Jackson. and I don't allow runaways to talk to my mother in any type of manner without stepping in and shutting her shit down. you have a problem then let's handle it, otherwise, let her handle her shit. after all she's trying to be your ol' lady.  but if she can't handle her own then she sure as shit can't handle the life of being an ol' lady" I replied

I moved back and fully faced my brother.

"cut her some slack," he says

I fucking laughed at that before looking at the others then mom.

"did he fucking say that?" I asked

 they say nothing just watch me and Jax. well, Happy just gave me a calm down look but I didn't pay much attention to it.

"Yea I did say that," he says

"not gonna happen Jax. but nice try" I tell him

"Oh and for that whole hanging out with this family that you'll have to fucking suck cock to pay your bills. well if you don't like what we do there is the fucking door  don't let it hit your sorry good for nothing ass you piece of shit" I tell Tara

She glares at me.

"keep looking at me like that it will take all these men to pull me from your unconscious body," I warned

"Enough Chastity" Jax says

I looked at him like he fucking lost his damn mind.

"Mother fucker who the fuck you think you're talking to like that. just because your fucking runaway is here and everyone else is here doesn't mean I will let you talk to me like that. you best fucking watch who you talk to or I will beat your fuckling ass brother or not." I tell him 

"Apologize to her right now" he orders

"I rather Choke on a dick then appoligze to that waste of space and last I checked you ain't my daddy, you sure as sit ain't my momma so you telling me or ordering me to do things ain't happening" I tell him

He glares at me and I look right back at him.

"You two spereate right now. Jax go walk off & Happy take Chastity to the backyard and calm her down." dad orders

"your days are numbers you keep your shit up, talking to me and being how you are with me Jackson" I tell him before Happy takes and does as dad told him.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now