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Since sharing the news with every one of my little jelly bean. different things have happened.

One being I went from being an assistant for lu to Lowen's secretary and found out I'm to be an aunt. Another thing that happened is I started seeing someone. that's not a son, I felt as though this wasn't gonna last and that just like the last person I thought was truly with me, they weren't.

Now here I am dealing with the same bullshit as before only this person has no links to my dad's club.

"I'm sorry, I thought I was in love and that she and I were divorced but she never signed and I'm the one cheating on her with you," my ex said.

"you couldn't have mentioned this before now. I mean it's a fucking huge deal. and what we have here is over" I tell him

"I'm telling you know," he says

"yea after two whole weeks of dating me" I replied

"better late than never," he says

I rolled my eyes.

"you know what it's men like your sorry have they make it hard for the good ones to find someone. cause all you no good sons of bitches fuck with us women and we start to think that all the fucking male population is like you. cheating fucking assholes" I say before I walked out

I headed home and got cleaned up before I decided that insirtead of going to the family dinner I was gonna stay home.

But I should have know better then try and skip mom's family dinner.

I heard pounding on my door. So I went over slipped on my shoes grabbed my purse and phone as well las house keys and opened the door.

"you have less then two seconds to get you little ass in the cadaliac before I drag you." mom says

I pecked her cheek and surried off to her car while she locked up my place and followed me.

"why did you think I'd let you skip dinner?" she asked

"shitty day" I replied

"that asshole pull and Opie?" she asked

"yea. only this one isn't engaged. he's fucking married" I replied

"you best tell your dad and brother" she says

"I was wanting to get over it. and move on with life of being a single mom" I replied

"not on my watch will you get over it" she says

I sighed and nodded my head knowing this was something that she'd not let go. that she'd want dad and Jax to handle the fucker.

When we walked inside dad greeted me as did the others.

"try to skip family dinner knowing how mom is?" Jax asked

"wasn't in the mood to deal with gatherings like this" I replied

"what happened?" dad asked

"the guy I've been seeing for two weeks pulled an Opie only this time he wasn't engaged" I replied

"no this time he was married" mom filled out the rest

"what?" Jax asked

"that mother fucker is getting his ass kicked," dad says

"do you really label what shitty things that happen to you relationship wise as an Opie?" Opie asked

"only when they do me like you had" I replied

He looked down not saying anymore.

"let's eat, then you and Jax can go find the fucker and teach him a lesson. similar to Opie's but more painful" mom says

"fine" dad and Jax says

I smiled and took my seat by Chibs as we all talked about different things as we ate.

Once dinner was done the croweaters took the dishes while everyone headed to the living room but Dad and Jax. they went after my ex.

"Sorry you are having shitty luck love," Bobby says

"Yea. it seems like it's my fate or some shit."

"your not alone you know" Chibs says

"yea I know I've got mom,dad,Jax, and you guys," I tell him

"but you all cant help me with my personal urges," I replied

"Oh we can, but we won't use you and you won't do anything like that with us cause you don't think of us in that type of manner," Bobby says

"she did Tig I mean she's pregnant with his kid," Juice says

"do you want to not be able to ride anymore Juan?" I asked

"no," he says

"then fucking mind your own damn business and stay the fuck outta mine or I will fuck your hands up so you can fucking ride" I warned

"Go cool off in the backyard," mom says

I got up and walked off and sat on the hammock chair and laid back calming myself down as I counted the stars and pictured what my little jelly bean will look like.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now