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I had decided that for a really long time I would be better off alone. but then Someone came into my life and hanged my mind. that someone being the Tacoma killer Happy Lowman. 

He came down to help with an issue that caused us to go into lockdown.

 When he wasn't busy doing club ordeals he and I were talking and spending time together. which my mom and dad noticed but never said a word to either of us about any suspicion they had of us winding up together.

I sat beside Happy on the couch as we watched some cartoons. since everyone else was busy doing something or in the garage.

"Are you doing ok today?" he asked looking over at me

"as good as a pregnant chick can be" I replied looking back at him.

He smiled and nodded his head before turning back to the tv.

I carefully grabbed his face and had him look back at me before I leaned in and started kissing him.

He pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me as I straddled his lap.

"does this bother you?" I asked

"what you kissing me?" he asked

"no me being pregnant and wanting you" I replied

"fuck no" he says

"then take me to one of our dorms and pleasure me please" I tell him

 He stands up holding me in his arms and carries me off like I asked.

He kicked the door shut before walking up to the bed.

"if you feel this is rushed or whatever nows your chance to walk right back out of this room. I'm not force ying you to pleasure me. i want it only if you do" I tell him

He steps back and starts stripping. laying his Kutte on the chair in the corner before coming back and laying me before he starts removing my clothes.

"I'm gonna be honest with you. since I've come down to help I've felt different than I've ever felt.  you and I both know I'm not one to catch feelings or fall in love. but when I seen you and your glowing form I knew I was fucked. and I knew that if any other guy dared to try anything willing or not he'd be a smiley face in my collection. if he was a brother  then I'd fight him in the ring." he says

"Will you use me? make me think we've got something going only for it to be a cover up of relationship your hiding?" I asked

"never" he says

"then if you're wanting to try this we can. and I will tell you once you enter me you're not fucking other pussy. that means if you leave we will still be together only long distance. and if you fuck Tacoma pussy or run pussy and I find out. let's just say Happy will be Happiness cause I will give you a sex change. I'm done with assholes hurting me and using me while they are in a committed relationship or married. and I'm gonna start causing pain from now on if anybody willing to be with me fucks me over." I tell him

" I'm gonna be as faithful to you as a dog is to their owner," he says

"good. and you can talk with dad and lee about transferring if you wish." I tell him

He nodded his head not wanting to say anything else as he started kissing me and creasing my body.

I had covered us up cause I knew the guys and mom had a habit of busting into the rooms to make some time of announcement or want something. and I wasn't gonna let anyone see Happy and me fucking naked.

The way he took the time to love my body made me emotional. and when he finally entered me I felt like the part of me I longed to find was finally here. 

"I don't wnt to ruin this and if I do I'm sorry. I just feel like the moment you slipped inside of me its like the piece of me I knew was missing finally came to me. like we are made and meant for each other" I verbalize

"I feel it to" he says as he leans down and starts kissing me before he slowly starts moving again inside of me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and bend my legs allowing him to go a deeper angle.

"you feel beyond incredible inside of me. I've never felt so full in all my life" I tell him as he kisses along my throat.

"Like you said we are made for each other." he commented before latching on my breast and suckling them.

"OH! Happy" I cried as I climaxed

"that's it baby coat my cock in your cum" he says before going back to sucking my breast and making love to me.

I clung to him as my orgasms rocked through me as my body awakened in ways I didn't know it ever could.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now