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It's been a few months since the patch over took place and in the time frame I've learned I'm having a boy which I've talked with Happy about names and we've settled on it. 

Another thing that's happened is Happy and I had done like my mom and dad. We got married three months after Happy patched over. which is basically the same amount of time we fully got to know one another and how the other is. just like my mom and dad married while pregnant with me.

now I am eight months pregnant and I'm enjoying myself.  I've taken maternity leave and work from home what time I'm not helping mom with the garage and getting parties and such ready when I could and what time Happy wasn't having me sit down and relax.

There have been plenty of times Happy and I would get into it over things he doesn't like me doing when I should be resting. 

One of which is fighting croweaters and pornstars. 

Which is just what I had done a few minutes ago and now I'm getting into it with my husband.

"If  you would have kept her grimy hands off you and listened when I told her to leave then I wouldn't have punched the skank in the nose then slammed her head on the side of the pool table." I tell him

"I could have handled it" he says

"oh yea. you really looked to be handling it already." I replied

"what's thats suppose to mean?" he asked

"it means you didn't do a motherfucking thing to that skank. you let her fucking crease your arm and touch your neck. you never moved her hand from your person or told her to stop. you just went about the fucking pool game like it was fucking everyday thing. which yea it is with the sons that arent married or they are legally separated from their spouse. " I replied

"how do you know what was said and what wasn't you wasn't around" he says

"I was standing right behind you the whole fucking time Happy. so don't give me that fucking bullshit" I say

 before anything go get worse Mom came and took my away so I'd clam down before I made myself go into labour from the stress.

"you did what I had done when some skank touched your father while I was carrying you." she tells me

I sat on the bed since she took me to the unused apartment.

"Why does he think I'm stupid?" I asked

"he's a guy" mom replied

"A guy who's supposed to respect me and love me yet when a fucking whore was creasing him as if she was me. he didn't do anything. but the minute I fucking break her nose and probably shattered her face he jumps my ass" I say

"Chastity baby. I need you to look at me and do as I do ok. you about to have a panic attack and that's not good for your son" mom says as she squatted down before me and held my attention after grabbing my face.

I did as she had with the whole taking a deep breath and letting it out. then she started asking me simple distracting questions so I'd focus on that.

After I calmed down I sat there not saying nothing as tears spilled over. Mom wiped my eyes before she stood up and pulled me to her holding me close as I cried silently.

when it felt as I had no more tears to cry or my body was done crying  I pulled back and mom lifted my head up wiped my tears before she helped me up and I headed into the bathroom to wash my face.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do. I thought that things for once were gonna change, that he wasn't gonna be similar or at all like the other two. but him not doing anything to that pornstar skank makes me think that he's just like them. that his vows mean shit. that everything he said to me is a whole bunch of fucking lies."I say to mom

"I know baby, and if you need to you can either stay here tonight or come stay with me and your dad" she says

"I don't wanna be a burden to you guys" I tell her

"how In the hell is our daughter gonna be a burden when she's hurt?" mom asked

I shrugged before laying my head on her shoulder.

"come on I'm taking you home with me." she says

I lifted my head and nodded before I followed her out.

We walked past dad and Jax and they both looked at me not saying a word. Jax walked out behind us while Dad comforted me as we headed for my car. 

Jax went to Happy grabbing him up and giving his ass an ear full he all but beat the fuck out of him.

I could hear Jax say

"I told you what would happen if you hurt my sister and made her cry. which you did and so I made on true to my word,"  he told Happy.

"Come take him inside and help him clean up Chibs if you would check him over," dad says

"yes sir," Chibs says before he followed the two other sons that helped Happy inside the clubhouse.

"are you ok to drive?" Jax asked coming over.

"I'm just getting my things and going with mom to her's and dad's place" I replied

"I'll come by after handling things here and check on you" he says

I nodded my head and got what I needed before getting into moms car and leaving.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now