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Wendy had Abel four weeks after I had Kayden. well mom rushed Wendy to the hospital and the performed emerncy c-section cause the crack whore was fucking trying to OD while carrying my nephew. 

and had mom not gone to see waht was going on since she went radio silencet and we all was wrooied about Abel. then he wouldnt have made it and I would had been pulling a page from my hubby's book. 

But make no mistake that crack whore will get the beating thats coming for her.

I was gonna beat her while she was in the hospital but Happy took me away while Jax, Tig, and Cibs as well as Kip, and Phill left.

so her beating will have to wait till I'm fully healed and her ass is out of the hospital.

I finished feeding Kayden when mom walks into the apartment I was using.

"want the good news or bad?" she asked

"is both about Abel?" I asked

"one is" she says

"that the good?" I asked

"yea" she says

"then yes" I replied

"He make it through his surgeries. but has to stay in the toaster since he is too early" she says

I close my eyes and bite the heck out of my lip before I let it go and looked at my mom.

"the bad news?" I asked

"tara is back in town.she's Abel's doctor" she says

"fuck.." I say getting up and pacing the floor.

"where is Jackson?" I asked

"with dad" she says

I walk out with Kayden and lay him in the little pack and play before I wait to see if Jax will come talk with me.

When he does I wrapped my arms around him.

"he's not gonna make it Opal" she cries in my arms.

"Yes, he will I promise you. he's got your DNA in him. and bubb you're one hell of a fighter. and us Tellers don't go down easy" I tell Jax as I wiped his eyes and comfort him.

"I don't know how you know this but I'm gonna try and think like you on this," he says

"Good. and its just something that us older sisters know. " I tell him

No one dares to bother us as we sit there and I comfort my brother.

"come on lets go see him. I know you haven't been there due to being scared. but I'm gonna be there and I will always be there for you and him both no matter what" I tell him

he nods his head and gets up along with me. 

"well take my car since your not in the right state of mind to ride. and I'm not riding bitch with my brother" I tell him as I take his hand and walked out.

"you two be good and be careful" Mom says

"we will" I tell her

" no fights" dad says

"No promises" I called back

"we've got Kayden" Happy says

"thank you" I replied

When Jax and I arrived at St.Thomas I wrapped my arm around him and he did the same as we headed to the floor that we were on earlier today.

"I'm not controlling your life, Jackson. I only ask that you focus on two things well the first is Abel and he's not a thing. and the second is the club. no history coming back or drama from the past" I say

He nodded his head.

"I will" he says

I kissed his cheek before we walked off the elevator and headed towards the room where Abel was. We walked in and Jax broke down.

I wrapped my arms around him holding him to me and  comforted him.

"I know it's hard seeing him like this. trust me I do. but I need you to talk to him so he knows his dad is here with him every step of his life from this moment forth" I say

 He pulled back and I drop my arms as he wipes his eyes and walks closer while I close the blinds and lock the door giving him privacy while I kept Tara from coming in should she try.

I stood there smiling watching my little brother talk to his son. telling him how he's here with him every step of the way and that nothing will ever happen to him without revenge.

I unlocked the door and fixed the blinds before I  walked up to Jax and wrapped my arm around him and hugged him as I started talking to Abel telling him about his cousin who cant wait to meet him and that when he gets stronger and grows then the two of them will be able to meet one another and probably be brothers.

After we stayed more with Abel we told him bye and that we'd visit when we could before we left. 

Right as the elevator door started closing I saw Tara rushing towards us. I smirked when she didn't make it.

We got back in my car and headed back to the lot.

"thank you so much for this. I don't know what I'd do without you." Jax says

"its nothing that you wouldn't do had the shoe been on the other foot and I was in your position" I assured him

"I know but it still means so much," he says

"welcome" I tell him

He smiled and climbed out of the car with me following suit and we headed back into the clubhouse and everyone noticed a change in Jax.

" glad your a better brother" Tig says

"thanks to Opal" he says looking over at me

I smiled and winked before I went in search of my hubby and son.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now