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The wild one night stand that I had with Tig resulted in our child. It's funny as well as crazy how I went from being used by someone who I thought wasn't the type of person to do just that. to a mother who's not gonna keep her baby a secret from their father. 

The whole leading up to me finding out was the unwell feeling I had gotten that lasted quite a long time.  and I generally never got sick. I mean it's very very rare that I get sick.

Dad told me that I needed to get seen by a doctor. And mom told me that if I didn't she'd personally take me and it would be one doctor's appointment I'd never forget.

So it's safe to safe that I scheduled the appointment. I headed to the doctor's office and went through that whole process before I was told the news of me being pregnant. 

Today is the big day at the obgyn. I am hoping to be able to see my little jellybean. I headed to the obgyn to see how things were going. 

When I saw my little jellybean I teared up. I was so happy to see them.

After leaving the Obgyn I headed to a baby store where I got cute tops for my mom, dad, and brother.

After I left the shop I headed to dinner and got myself something to eat as I thought about how to approach the whole situation. and I thought about what may occur and what might not.

 I knew that if someone was gonna try and start something between me and Opie thinking my jelly bean is his doing. then I will possibly shoot their nosy ass. son or no I don't care and everyone knows I don't like nosy people.

After I ate and paid my bill I headed on over to mom and dad's garage and grabbed the gift bags before I headed into the office.

Mom looked at me than the bags and back up at me with an arched brow.

"When I have dad and or Jax in here I'll announce what these are or just give them to you three" I replied

"something bad or good?" she asked

"I hope you three will love it." I replied

She nodded her head and went back to work while I sat there with the bags by my side.

When my dad and brother got back mom called them into the office. 

"What do you need Gemma?" Dad asked

"not her, its me. I have something I wanna talk with you all about." I say

 so dad closes one side of the door and Jax halfway closed the door leading to the garage.

"alright what is it?" dad asked

"well we all know and seen me leave the part some weeks ago with Tragger right?" I asked

"Yeas the night you had that poor guy addicted to you" mom says

I smiled

"Well I have wonderful news. and when I share it I don't want either one of you to kill anyone or shoot them" I tell them

"alright." mom says

"No promises," dad and Jax says

I sighed and handed them their bag with their gifts.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now