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I calmed down a bit not much knowing Tara will ldo something or keep running her mouth and my fuse will relight and I will fuck her ass up. and if I have to fight my brother then so fuking be it.

We all gathered around the dinner table and talk about different things. a bit of the club matter is mentioned but not much.

When kenny and Ellie walked off into the other room thats when Tara decided to try me again.

"she's talking to me about being an ol' lady when she was being disrespectful to you." she says

I get up and clear that table not caring about the food or anything just fucking beat Tara's ass. Jax puls me off and we get in a screaming match before I ignore him and duck when Tara throws a punch. 

I hit her right in the gut making her bend over before using my knee and shadder her nose. 

Jax pulls me off and I pop him in the eye making him stagger back.

I squat over tara who is wallowing in pain. 

"what I do or say to my brother is our business. learn when its personal ordeal and club." I say before I stand up and walk over to my brother but Happy grabs me.

"you ever put your hands on me like that again. and I'll forget about you being my baby brother," I tell him

He just looks at me.

"you're not the same Jackson as you were before and it's the cause of that piece of shit bleeding on mom's and dad's floor." I say

"it does not cause of her its cause I've changed. I've matured" Jax says

"don't try to feed me that bullshit Jackson. I'm your fucking sister. I was with you from the day mom had you in the hospital. I was by your side through everything so I know all about you much more than cry baby. so don't try to insult my intelligence. you've changed when you saw her back in town." I say

"why did you punch me in the eye?" he asked

"shall I learn a whole new language for you to understand the fucking fact that I fucking love you and will do all I need to in order to protect you? I fucking love our parents and will protect them. I don't give a shit if you all can take care of yourself or not. that piece of shit had the fucking ass whopping she's gotten from me coming and there will be more to come. I'm sure of it. so your best bet is to stay clear unless you want what happened tonight to you to happen again. let her fight her battles. she fucking runs her mouth but hides behind you like a fucking coward. well since you've decided to get back with her she needs to learn not to fuck with me or those I love and care deeply about." I say

He says nothing and I take a deep breath.

"if you make her your ol' lady and she tried to get you to leave this club to run away with her or she keeps changing you from the Jackson that you was before .then that shattered nose will be the lease of her worries. I don't care if you hate me. you know from all the other times before how protective I am of you. you know who was there when that trash left you when she run away scared claiming she was to make a name for herself. "  I say before I turned and looked at mom and dad.

"I will replace what I broke. and I am sorry that this took place her. you both know how I am with you two and Jackson. so I won't appoligze for beating the fuck out of that waste of space nor will I say sorry for shattering her nose." I say

"you don't have to worry about replacing anything baby" dad says

"I destroy some off your two's things and I'm gonna replace them." I say

"dont cause I hated the decor and dishes anyway so you did me and your dad a favor," mom says as she walked up to me and wrapped her arm around me and hugged me.

"Go check on Kayden," she says

I nodded my head and kissed her cheek before she dropped her arms.

"We'll probably head home unless Happy is needed" I say

"no you three go on" Dad says

So I walked upstairs to get mine and Happy's son, paying Maxie for watching him. before I picked up the diaper bag and headed back out. Happy walks over taking Kayden while I go and hug my dad bye before doing the same to Mom before I look at my brother who was watching me.

"despite what just happened and what may happen in the future or days to come. I love you and if you dont love me or consider me as your sister well there's nothing for me to say." I say to him before taking Kayden back and leaving after telling the others bye.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now