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Since the lockdown was lifted and Happy went back to Tacoma a lot have things have happened. 

Wendy started ignoring Jax's calls and quit giving him updates about his baby. Opie got married and Donan is pregnant. 

I'm nineteen weeks pregnant and l still working as a secretary.

Happy and I've kept in contact with each other. 

I go to visit his mom & sometimes he's there and we make up for lost times. 

It really sucks that he and I can't be with each other every waking day. 

But he promised me that when the patch over happens then he's gonna move in with me and we will really make up for lost times and that we won't ever have to go long without one another or have to deal with long distance.

I loved the thought of Happy living with me and being with me for the rest of my life. 

the other day I heard the guys talking when I got to the garage from work about the patch over party that's gonna happen in a few days. which I started feeling giddy and hoping beyond hope that one of the guys they were to patch over was gonna be Happy.

When I walked towards the garage having not seen mom in the club house she walked out and saw me all excited and just smiled.

"Hi baby girl" she greets

"Hi momma" I replied hugging her

"so you heard about the patch over?" she asked

I did when I was in the clubhouse looking for you" I replied

"did you catch any names?" she asked

"no." I replied

"Well, then we will wait and see. but in the meantime, we got plenty of things to get for that big day. cause you know as well as me that there is gonna be a fight and party" she says

"Wouldn't be Samcro without either" I replied.

 She laughed along with me as we got in her Suv and left.

When the patch over day arrive I saw Happy and I could contain myself. I walked over grabbed his face and kissed the fuck out of him.

He wrapped his arms around me pulled me close and smiled before kissing me back.

"I really hope you patch over," I tell him as I rest my forehead against his.

"I believe I will since they know how great of a killer I am," he says

"you patch tonight. I'm taking you to my apartment here and riding your dick" I whispered in his ear

"I can't fucking wait," he says before kissing me again

"So you've claimed my sister huh?" Jax asked

Happy and I broke apart and looked at Jax.

"I have since I was here helping with the lockdown and the issue the club had. JT knew about it as did Gemma and both welcomed me with open arms." Happy replied

"well then if you patch tonight. then head this warning. regardless of her being my older sister and able to take care of herself. you hurt her, break her heart, cheat on her or do anything to make her cry in a non happy manner then I will shoot you if not beat you close to death" Jax warns

"Trust me when I tell you. I have no reason to do Chastity wrong. I won't cheat, or hurt her mentally or physically. I will not treat her like garbage or hurt her in any way to make her cry. I will love her will all I have in me and I will be with her till the reaper comes for me. she's my ol' lady and I will protect her with my life." Happy tells him

Jax smirks and slaps Happy on the back 

"good to know," he says before walking off.

I make Happy look at me and I kiss him as I had before only this time it wasn't cause I missed him. No this time it was cause he just made me fall more in love with him.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now