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I've taken time to tent to not only myself but to my husband and son as well. 

I've felt that the things that have occurred have affected things between Happy and me. Not to the point where we are gonna divorce or to fight over it. but the romance between us is losing its glow.

So I planned the night with just the two of us to make up for all the times we've not screwed or just made love.

I had asked mom to watch Kayden for a few days so I could make up all the shit that has caused us not to be intimate.

When happy walked into the house I was sitting in the kitchen waiting for him.

"Welcome home Papi" I greeted as I stood up and made my way over to him

He took in my appearance which was me wearing a sheer lace nightie and heels.

"whats the special event?" he asked

"I feel as those the glow of our romance is diming and I wanna make up for it and hopefully get it back to how it was" I tell him

 "what do you have planned?" he asked

"First we will eat then go from there" I tell him before taking his hand and leaving him to the dinning room table. 

We sat there talking about all sorts of things that wasn't involving the club or any of the guys.

"I was thinking we could try for a baby" I say

"really?" he asked

"I want your baby Happy. I wanna carry them for nine months or eight, I want to go through all I need to in order to carry them and bring them into this world. I wanna experience having someone who's part of us in our lives. someone we created in night or nights of passion." I confess.

Nothing after that needed to be said since he got up walked over to me and lifted me up in his arms and carried me off to our room.

He placed my back on my feet.

"take everything but the heels off" he ordered 

I do as told while he gets undressed as well. 

We fall into bed creasing and kissing each other lovingly.

We took our time allowing get reacquainted with one another bodies. He went down and teasingly ate me out having me begging and pleading for him to end the teaing and pleasure me.

When it was my turn to go down on him I returned the favor by teasing him and making him plead and moan for me to end the teasing.

I cralwed up his body trailing kisses along the way before straddling his waist and leaned down to kiss him as I reached between us and alined him with my entry before sinking down on him.

"Ugh....fuck I miss this" I moaned pulling back and looking at him.

"me too babygirl" he says as he holds my hips

 I place my hand on his chest and start moving slowly at first to enjoy the feeling of him being back inside me.

"I'm sorry for not doing this sooner." I tell him

"don't apologize for things we cant control" he says

I nodded and leaned back down to kiss him as he starts thrusting him inside of me making me moan against his lips.

"So damn good baby," he says

I smiled as I sat up and turned around slipping him right back in me and riding him reverse cowgirl. He reaches up fists my hair putting it in a make sure ponytail and starts bucking his hips again before letting my hair go and pulls me down on my side where he grabs my throat and lifts has me seeing stars from the amount of pleasure he's giving me.

"Oh... Papi don't stop... please" I begged

" I'm not gonna stop till you pass out" he says

I climaxed at just the thought alone. he grabs and pinches my nipples before he just holds my breast for a while before rolling on top of me and taking me roughly from behind. 

the sweet sound of skin slapping, us moaning fills the room.

He slaps my ass telling me to get on my knees as he lets my throat go and grabs my hips as I get on my knees. he makes sure I am in a sloped position before he starts fucking my poor sensitive pussy.

I've lost track of the number of programs I've had and the number of times he's come inside of me. my mind was lost in total bliss and my body was too far gone to worry.

And like he said I'd do before he stopped filling me with his cum. I passed out from exhaustion and so much pleasure.

Sweet soul loving a killer (completed)) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now