Chapter 1 - To Villainy and Vengeance Consecrate

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WARNING: This fic has very strong and violent themes including graphic imagery. There are definitely some topics in here that could be found as triggering. Just be warned, I don't want any of you to get hurt and it is not for the faint of heart.


Riddhima never trusted lawyers, any kind of lawyers; she always found them sneaky and cheats. Which is why she gave ADA Rohan Sinha a very critical gaze from across the interrogation room. The fact that he worked for law enforcement raised him a few pegs from most people, though she could only name one or two DA's or ADA's that she'd actually liked. The fact that Sinha could very well have taken a bribe to tamper evidence negated any positive outlook from his choice to be a prosecutor.

"Agent Riddhima, the longer you keep me in here the more perilous your chances of receiving future help for me become." He told her with a cold gaze.

She ignored his words, if he wanted to issue threats than that was fine. She was going to do her job as she saw fit. "As you well know, evidence from the Raina’s case has been mishandled."

"Of course I know, I was there when the judge issued a mistrial."

"Good, then you will be happy to tell me about your name being on the docket signing out the evidence."

Rohan put both hands on the table calmly. "My name is on there because I checked out the evidence."

"And then tampered with it."

"No, I did a cursory look over what we had because I was preparing for court."

Riddhima raised an eyebrow. "But you didn't tell anyone else what you were doing."

He shook his head. "It was just a routine check, I wanted to refresh my memory on what we had, it didn't seem important to tell anyone else."

She nodded, it was a pretty good explanation but it was also fairly weak. "The problem I have with this is that you were the last one to check out the evidence before it was mishandled."

"An unfortunate coincidence."

"Perhaps," Riddhima said, "or maybe when I go through your financials I'll find a sudden windfall of cash." She kept her eyes focused on his. "You had some money troubles in the past, you had to mortgage your house and your assets. That is why your wife left you correct? For gambling problems."

Rohan’s eyes burned with real anger. "I got help, I no longer gamble."

"But it is so easy to slip up isn't it? Maybe you fell back into old habits and found yourself with a debt you couldn't pay. Perhaps Dunley made you an offer you just couldn't refuse."

His eyes narrowed. "You can't play this game with me, Agent Riddhima. I didn't tamper with that evidence; I did not accept any bribes. You are looking for a different man."

Riddhima stood up from the table. "We'll see about that." Then she confidently strode out of the interrogation room.

She thought Rohan was a viable suspect, but it was always a good idea to get Vansh’s opinion on the matter. She knew he would be watching from the observation room, getting a feel for Sinha and judging whether he could be the man bribed to get Gerald Dunley off for murder. The only problem was that sometimes their idea for suspects clashed. The bigger problem was that Vansh was 99.9% right on his ideas, despite her prayers to one day one-up him.

Vansh was peering through the mirrored glass at Rohan, probably reading every thought from his face. She'd known Vansh Raisinghania for five years and she still had no clue how he managed to be so eerily accurate.

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