Chapter 11.2 - Let it Go

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Riddhima didn't give anyone on her team a chance to try and talk her out of the interview with Michael Emerson. It didn't matter, she could feel their disapproving looks and sense their worried thoughts. She was becoming aware of an odd sensation of seeing herself from the outside. She had seen Vansh get this obsessed with a case, always ones that involved Ajay Roy, and she'd always tried to pull him back. Now she was the one with the problem. She knew it was wrong, she knew she was hurting her team, but she had become an entirely selfish creature.

Some part of her knew this was wrong, but a larger part needed the pain. It was all she could feel now. She feared that when the pain became too much or if it went away entirely that she would have nothing else to live for. Each day she felt a piece of herself weaken.

The part of herself that knew this was wrong, that wanted her to reach out to Vansh in the others, forced her to allow Angre in on the interview. Besides, judging by the disgruntled look Emerson had on his face and the way he kept kicking at the table leg told her she would need the extra muscle.

"Finally," he said once they both walked into the room, "Let's hurry this up. I've got a date tonight and if I play my cards right, I've got a chance to get laid."

Riddhima and Angre shared an incredulous look. "Since you're eager to leave, then you'll be more than willing to answer any questions we have."

"Sure, whatever."

Riddhima and Angre both took their seats across the table from Emerson. "What was your relationship like with Christine Taylor?"

"What relationship?" He shrugged. "We were coworkers, that's it."

"Her roommate suggests differently. She says you kept invading Christine's personal space when she didn't want you to."

"We work in a restaurant," Emerson said, "Sometimes I had to crowd my way in to get things done."

"She also said you offered to drive Christine home on several occasions."

"Didn't realize that was a crime."

"She rejected you, that must have upset you."

He shook his head. "I didn't care. I was just trying to be nice. It ain't my fault that bitch took things the wrong way."

Angre frowned at him. "That's pretty harsh if you didn't care."

"Look, I'm sorry she's dead, but it ain't my problem. I barely knew her."

"You worked with every day in a small kitchen and you barely knew her?" Riddhima questioned.

"I knew her, but not like that."

"Like what, exactly?"

Emerson clenched up, his eyes narrowing into dark slits. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"That. You're trying to confuse me. You want me to confess to something, but it's isn't going to work."

"I didn't say anything about a confession," Riddhima said. She looked over at Angre. "Did I, Angre?"

"No," he said.

"Sounds like maybe you have something you want to hide, Emerson."

"No, I don't have anything to hide," he insisted.

"Then you won't mind if we search your house."

"No—wait, yes."

"Which is it, yes or no."

"No, I don't want you to search my house."

"So you do have something to hide."

"I didn't say that!"

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