Chapter 16 - Should Have Done

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It was Kabir who had sent the text message to Vansh saying that they might have found a break in Riddhima's case and to meet them at the bar. Riddhima had gone home after a full week of working with Vansh like he was a carrier of the plague. He was just as awkward as well, though he did look at her occasionally like he was desperate to talk to her. Kabir, Angre and Sara were tired of being left in the dark over what was going on.

Vansh arrived at the bar promptly, his brows arching in surprise as finding all three of them there before him. "What did you find?" he asked.

"Nothing," Kabir said, "We want to know what's going on between you and Riddhima."

Vansh stood there is silence for a moment. He lifted his chin, smiling broadly at them all. "You lied to me. You sent me a text so I wouldn't be able to tell any inflections in your voice when you lied. That was very clever. I applaud you." He even clapped his hands for effect. "Though you do realize I will have to get revenge for this."

"Wait, what?" Angre asked.

"Nothing too painful, I promise, probably just ultimately humiliating."

"Humiliating?" Sara repeated, fear entering her eyes.

"Now you're trying to distract us," Kabir said.

Vansh shrugged and nodded his head once. "And it was working to a point. But then again, you're not nearly as easily intimidated."

"Hey," Angre protested. Even Sara scowled at him for that comment.

Vansh took a seat in the booth, smiling as if this had all been his idea. But Kabir could see a bit easily than the others that his smile didn't reach his eyes. Outwardly he was all relaxed and at ease, but inside he was on edge and ready to bolt at a moment's notice.

"So you're worried about Riddhima again," Vansh said.

"What's wrong?" Sara asked, "Is she slipping back?"

"Not exactly."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Angre asked.

"It means she's in a delicate position and if I'm not careful then she could fall right back into that hole she was adamantly digging herself into before," Vansh said, not cheery words in the least.

"What kind of position? What can we do?" Kabir asked.

"Nothing. This is about me and her."

"You and her how?"

Vansh just smiled and looked down at the table, shaking his head a bit. That was answer enough. No way in hell was he telling them that.

"I don't understand what's wrong," Sara spoke up with a voice full of worry. Her soft nature always got to Vansh so it wasn't a surprise to Kabir that he caved, but only just a little.

"Riddhima is dealing with some personal issues," Vansh said, "and I have to figure out whether she's ready or not to take that next step."

"What next step?"

"The details aren't important."

"I think we all disagree on that," Kabir said.

Vansh let out a sigh of impatience and then leaned forward in his seat. "Let me explain it like this, Riddhima and I are locked in a game of chess. Now, unlike her, I can foresee many outcomes to the game. I have to make sure the outcome is favorable for her and in order to do that I have to calculate both of our next moves. Now if I act too soon then I could end the game too soon, and she'll lose in a terrible way. My hope is that we can come out of this game with an equal share of the prize, but if that's not possible then I want her to win."

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